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That's Hun in the pic <3

Mirae's POV

               I've been pacing around my room back and forth since the past few minutes thinking about Luhan. He must've been hurt just now. Omg, it's totally my fault for not telling him about L oppa as my neighbor. Aigoo.

               "Boa ah. What should i do now? Tell me." I asked Boa as i slumped down on my bed. Boa just meowed in reply. *Should i call him?* I decided to try giving him a call. *Dials Luhan's number.* After a few rings, he answered. "Luhan? Hey, are you... Ok?" I asked nervously. There was a short silence when he finally spoke. "Yeah." Obviously he wasn't. Tsk. "Sigh... Hey, can i meet you for awhile?" I asked. "Ok." He answered. "Great. I'll be at your doorstep soon." I said and ended the call. Ok, mission to cheer Luhan up starts now!

Luhan's POV

               I laid on the bed emotionless as i thought about just now. I was a bit hurt that Mirae didn't tell me her neighbor's actually my rival. I mean, sure she doesn't know about my rivalry with Myungsoo but... Sigh. Nevermind. I rolled around as i tried to forget about it. After i got tired, i just laid there and stared at the ceiling. Then Hun jumped up and cuddled beside me.

               "Aigoo, Hunnie ah. Sometimes i wish i could be you. Just run around freely." I said as i petted his head. *I wonder what Mirae's doing right now.* I was about to take my phone when it rang. I read the caller id and it was actually Mirae. Calling right when i missed her. Thank you, God. Kekeke! I cleared my throat before i answered the call.

               "Luhan? Hey, are you... Ok?" Mirae asked as soon as i answered the call. *No, i need you here.* "Yeah." I answered. "Sigh... Hey, can i meet you for awhile?" *Omg. Did she managed to read my mind through the phone?* "Ok." I answered, trying my best not to sound excited. "Great. I'll be at your doorstep soon." She said and ended the call. Ok, so Mirae's coming over in awhile but i haven't showered yet and my room's a mess. So... Clean up and then wash up. Palli palli palli.

Mirae's POV

               Soon enough, i was already standing infront of Luhan's doorstep. *Ding dong* I rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, i was greeted by Luhan's mum. "Ah, ni hao Mrs Lu." I greeted and smiled. "Hao. Come in, Mirae." Mrs Lu smiled and welcomed me in. "Come sit. I'll go bring you something to drink." Said Mrs Lu. "Kamsahamnida." I smiled. Luhan's house was pretty and cozy. I liked the atmosphere here.

               Soon, Mrs Lu came in with a glass of water. "Here, drink." Mrs Lu said as she placed it on the coffee table. "Kamsahamnida." I smiled and took a sip. "You should probably go up to Luhan's room. He should be in his room." Mrs Lu said as she lead me to his room. When she left, i turned to knock on the door. *No response* I knocked a few more times but there was still no response. So i decided to enter.

               "Luhan?" I said as i entered the room. I looked around and he was nowhere to be found. Then i saw Hun resting on the bed and i immediately went to pet him. "Annyeong, Hunnie ah~" I cooed as i sat down on Luhan's bed. Hun just shook his head in reply. "Mirae?" I turned around as i heard Luhan's voice from the back. "Oh, Luhan. Sorry i just entered your room like this." I stood up and apologized. "Nevermind." He said as he sat on the bed and ruffled Hun's head. Then he looked up at me. "What are you doing? Sit." He said. "Well, you don't usually allow anyone to sit on your bed so..." Luhan chuckled and said, "Yeah, but you're special." I looked at him in surprised. "I mean, you're my best friend. So yeah." He quickly added. I then smiled and sat beside him.

               "So... I actually came to apologize for just now. I mean, i should've told earlier." I sighed and looked down. "Hey, its ok." Luhan held my chin up and smiled. I couldn't think of anything else and i just hugged him in reflex. "Hey, what's with the sudden hug?" Luhan chuckled. "Huuu... You don't like my hugs now?" I pouted. "Ani. Who said so?" Luhan smiled and pulled me in for another hug. *Duk duk duk duk* There goes my heartbeat running away. 

               I just smiled and tightened the hug.

Seems like both Luhan and Mirae can't stay angry at one another for a long time huh? How cute. Kekeke.

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