Wife Material

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Luhan's POV

               It's really great to have her in my arms again. I mean, i really wished we could stay like this forever. I don't ever wanna let go of her. That's just how much i love her. How cheesy of me huh? Keke.

               "Luhan- Opps. I'm sorry." Mum suddenly entered my room which made Mirae immediately move away from me. Just why does mum had to enter right now? Tsk. "Oh, mum. What is it?" I spoke. "Well, i made dinner. So... Come down whenever you're ready." Mum showed a cheeky smile and left, closing the door shut. Then an awkward silence followed.

               "Well, um. We should go down and eat." Mirae spoke. "Um, yeah. Yeah, we should." I rubbed my neck awkwardly. Mirae then stood up and opened the door. "You coming?" She turned around and looked at me. "Yeah yeah. Coming." I quickly followed her out.

Mirae's POV

               The atmosphere was kinda awkward when Mrs Lu, Luhan and I were seated at the dinning table. "What are you two waiting for? Eat." Mrs Lu spoke. "Ah, ne. Jal meok gye sum ni da." I spoke up and starting eating. Mrs Lu's cooking was undeniably marvelous. But of course, mum's cooking was better. Teehee. From time to time, i could feel someone staring at me and whenever i look up, i'd caught Luhan staring at me and he'd quickly look down.

               "Ok, what is wrong with the both you? I'm amused at what you two are doing right now." Mrs Lu smiled amusingly. "Eh?" I looked at Luhan then Mrs Lu confusingly. "Never mind. Hurry up and finish eating, both of you." Mrs Lu shook her head amusingly and continued eating. Both Luhan and i looked at each other and giggled. After we finished eating, i went to help Mrs Lu with the dishes. Even though she insisted me not to. Hahaha.

               "What a nice wife you'd be." Mrs Lu suddenly spoke while washing the dishes. "Eh?" I looked at her with a surprised face. "Hehehe. I'm just saying you'd be a good wife to someone in the future." She smiled. "Ah... Ne." I smiled.

Luhan's POV

               I was leaning against the entrance of the kitchen watching both mum and Mirae as they washed the dishes. Not long after, i was already admiring Mirae from the back. *What a nice wife she'd be.* I just smiled at my thoughts as i continued admiring her.

              "Oh, Luhan dear. What are you doing standing there? You should come help wash the dishes instead of watching us do it." Mum suddenly interrupted. "Eh? Oh, araso." I agreed and walked over to them. "So, how can i help?" I asked. "Here, you take over my spot as i go up to my room for awhile." Mum instructed. "Ok." I said as mum smiled left us in the kitchen.


               "Yah, Luhan ah. You're not washing it properly." Mirae suddenly spoke. "Eh? What do you mean?" I looked at her with a confused face. "Look. Its still dirty." Mirae frowned and pointed at the spot that was dirty. "What? But i washed that part already." I whined. "Well, this just shows that you didn't." Mirae stucked out her tongue. I sighed and cleaned the spot roughly till it was spotless. "There. Satisfied?" I showed her the plate. "Hmm. Very. Now help me with the rest." Mirae instructed. *Omg. When are we gonna finish?*

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               Soon enough, we finished washing the dishes. I have to admit, it was kinda tiring and troublesome. I salute you ladies for this. Hahaha. As we left the kitchen, Mirae suddenly spoke, "I think i should leave now. Its getting late already." She said while looking at her watch. "Ok, i'll walk you home." I said. Mirae just nodded in response. Along the way, we chatted happily like we normally do. Finally we reached her house.

               "Thanks, for sending me home." Mirae smiled. "Aniya." I smiled. I couldn't help but turn my head to look at the neighbouring house aka Myungsoo's house. Pfft. "Hey." I heard someone spoke and then felt a pair of warm hands on my right hand. I looked down and found Mirae holding it. Somehow her warm hands assured me that nothing's gonna happen with Myungsoo as her neighbour.

               "Goodnight." Mirae smiled. "Yeah, goodnight." I smiled and slowly left. Before i took a turn, i looked back to ensure that Mirae already entered her house. I smiled as i saw her bedroom lights lit up. I then continued walking and looked down at my right hand. *Guess i won't be washing my right hand tonight.* I giggled at my thoughts.

               But Luhan didn't know that L saw everything. *Enjoy while you still can, Luhan.* L smirked as he watched Luhan's walking figure.

* L smirked as he watched Luhan's walking figure

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