Class Trip - Final Day

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Mirae's POV

               "Aww! We're leaving Japan today!! Nooooo! I don't wanna go home!" I whined. "Don't be such a baby." Luhan chuckled. "Quiet, you." i glared at Luhan. "Anyways let's go. We should enjoy the last day even though you're sad about leaving." Luhan said to cheer me up. *He's right though...* I pouted but got up anyways. "Ok, seems like everyone's luggage is inside." Mr Song said as we were boarding the bus. "I know today's the last day and you're all sad about it but atleast we get to enjoy the last day here at Disneyland." Mr Song said cheerfully. Soon, we reached Tokyo Disneyland. "Omo, Luhan. It's so pretty!" I said in aww.

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               "Ok, so i'm going to give everyone the freedom do go around by yourself but make sure to meet back here again by 9pm." Mr Song instructed. Then everyone went off on their own. "Luhan! Which ride should we go first?" I asked in excitement. "Hmm, that one?" Luhan pointed to the bumper cars. "Ok, let go!!" I said in excitement and pulled him along. Time really pass by fast when you're enjoying yourself. It's already 8pm. We were both tired so we rested at a bench while eating sausage buns.

               "Luhan, the roller coaster looks fun. Wanna try riding it?" I asked and looked at Luhan. He looked pale for a moment and then continued eating. " Don't you remember i have acrophobia?" Luhan glared at me. "Ah, right. I'm sorry." I pouted. *Aigoo. How can i forget he has a fear of heights?* I thought to myself. Then I saw something walking near the area. "Luhan, look! Donald Duck!" I said as I pointed to Donald Duck who was walking around taking pictures with people. "Wanna go and take a picture with him too?" I look at Luhan hoping he'd cheer up a little. To my disappointment, Donald Duck didn't cheered him up.

               "If you think Donald Duck is gonna cheer me up, well, you're wrong." Luhan said as he stuck his tongue out at me and continued sulking. *Aish.* I sighed. "Then what could help cheer you up?" I asked softly not daring to look at him. There was a long pause when Luhan fianally spoke. "Kiss me." he said making me to look up with surprise. "Well? Hurry up and kiss me cause that's the only thing that could cheer me up now." Luhan said with his poker face. I pouted but shyly pulled him closer by the neck and placed my lips softly on his. I felt Luhan smile before he moved his lips.

               After a few minutes, i broke the kiss. "There. Happy now?" I pouted as I blushed slightly. "It sure did." Luhan chuckled. "Hey i'm going to the toilet for awhile. Wait for me here and don't go anywhere until i get back." Luhan warned. "Araso." I said. Luhan smiled then went to the nearest toilet. I was playing with my phone when a shadow crept up infront of me. I looked up to see L oppa smiling as he waved at me.

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               "Oh, L oppa." I smiled and waved back. "Where's Luhan?" he asked as he sat beside me. "He went to the toilet for awhile." I said and L oppa nodded. "So your class is here too?" I asked as I saw a few of his friends from the same class. "Yeah. All the other classes too." he said. "Hey, wanna go there for awhile?" he asked as he pointed to a store nearby. "Luhan told me to stay until he comes back." I said. "I saw the queue was long. We won't take long anyways. Come on!" "But-" I was about to protest but L oppa had already pulled me along.

               "It looks cute on you!" I giggled at L oppa who was wearing a Minnie Mouse headband. "You're just teasing me." he pouted. "No, i'm not. You really looked-" then I froze when I saw Luhan outside glaring at us. *Oh no.* I was about to move when Luhan walked away. I quickly ran after Luhan. "Luhan!" when I ran outside, Luhan was nowhere to be found. "Hey, Mirae. Calm down." L oppa said as he stood beside me. "I should look for him, it's all my fault. I should've waited for him. He must've been worried." I said as my eyes started getting watery. "Ok, let's go look for him together." L oppa offered his help.

               We've been looking for Luhan for about 10 minutes and he was nowhere to be found. "Maybe he went back to the bus?" L oppa assumed. "I think so. Let's go-" "Mirae." I stopped and turned around to see Serri walking towards me. "Oh, Serri." I said in disappointment as I thought it was Luhan. "I see you're here too. Why aren't you with Luhan though? I saw him walking alone just now." Serri said. "Well i- wait. You saw him?" I asked. "Yeah, he was walking around there." she said. "Araso, gomawo." I said and immediately went to the area Serri pointed to. I glanced back at Serri and saw her smirk for a moment before she turned around and disappeared into the crowd. *Why do I have a bad feeling...?* I thought but quickly brushed it aside.

               "This was the area Serri said she saw Luhan." I said and started looking around. "Hey, is that him?" L oppa pointed to the left. I turned to look and it was indeed him. I quickly went towards him. *There's someone with him.* I thought as I got near him. "Lu-" I was about to call out to him when I saw something shocking and froze on the spot. "Mirae what's wrong-" L oppa stopped talking when he saw what was happening. Infront of us, Luhan was facing his back towards us but it was clear that he was kissing the girl he was with.

               "Yah, Luhan!" L oppa shouted in anger. Luhan immediately turned around and widened his eyes when he saw L oppa and I. "Mirae-I, I can explain. It's not what it looks like..." Luhan said in panic. My heart shattered into pieces the moment I saw the girl he was with was none other than Miyoung. "Mirae-" "Don't come near me, Luhan." I said with my voice shaking. My tears then started dripping. "Mirae-" "Hajima." I said as I stepped back when he stepped forward. I looked at him with teary eyes one last time before i ran away.

*How could you Luhan?*

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