Kim Miyoung

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That's Miyoung in the pic

Mirae's POV

               "Miyoung." I said with a stern face. "What are you doing here?" I added as i folded my arms. "Is that how you greet your best friend?" She said in a sarcastic manner. "I don't remember you being my friend." I countered. "Ouch." Miyoung said as she pretended being hurt. "Well, whatever. I came here cause my parents told me to, not cause i wanted to." She scoffed. "Oh, really? Where's your parents then?" i asked. "Not here. They're too busy to visit. I'm just being a good daughter to send their regards." she boasted with a smirk. "Ok, i appreciate that. Now that i have seen you, you may leave." i gave her a fake smile. "Whatever." she scoffed and walked back into a car and drove off.

               "Urgh, why did she have to appear now?" i said in frustration. "Mirae, who was that?" i turned around to see mum standing by the stairs. "No one. Just some random bun seller." i said as i went up to my room. Mum could just look at me in confusion but decided to ignore what i said. I was lying down in my bed, staring at the wall blankly. Well, a lot of things just came flooding into my mind.

               I twirled around in my floral dress as i picked up my clutch and left. I arrived at the park Miyoung told me to meet. *Hmm, i guess she's not here yet.* I thought as i sat down at a bench nearby. Suddenly, i saw Miyoung walking into the park. I was about to call out to her but then i saw something which prevented me to.

               She was with my boyfriend and they were holding hands. Unbelievable. I quickly went up to them and said, "So this is what's been happening behind my back huh?" "Oh, Mirae! Fancy seeing you here." Miyoung said sarcastically. "Miyoung, how could you? You're my best friend. And YOU." i glared at my so-called boyfriend. "No wonder you neglected me these few days. You were busy with her." i shifted my gaze towards Miyoung. "Hey, it's not his fault. Love made us come together. It's just too bad for you." Miyoung flashed an evil smile. "Now, if you'd excuse us, we'll continue with our date." she said and walked past me.

               I couldn't believe she betrayed me just like that. She's my best friend. Because of that, my best friend became my enemy.

               *Ringggggggggg!* I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I got up and stretched my body. "What's for breakfast today?" I asked as i came skipping down the stairs. "Morning, dear. Nothing much. Just scrambled eggs and toast." Mum smiled. "Nice." i stated as i ate my breakfast. As soon as i finished eating, my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and smiled.

               "Good morning, Luhan." i greeted when i answered the call. "Good morning, beautiful." he said causing me to blush. "Are you done with breakfast? I'm already waiting for you outside right now." he informed. "What? You're already here? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've let you in. Aigoo." i quickly got up and looked outside and saw Luhan standing by the gates. "Nah, i didn't want to make you rush." he chuckled. "Ok, i'm getting out now." i said and ended the call.

               "Luhan?" mum asked with a sly smile on her face. "Yes. He's already outside. So, i'll be leaving now. Thank you for the breakfast it was yummy." i smiled and gave mum a kiss on her cheek before i left. "Hey, there. Sorry to keep you waiting." i said as i pecked him on his cheeks. "Nawww. Why not here?" Luhan pouted as he tapped on his lips. "No." i stuck my tongue out and started walking. "Aish. Nevermind, i'll make sure i get my kiss later." Luhan pinched my cheeks and intertwined our fingers. I could only shake my head at his cheekiness.

               A few minutes later, we reached school. We were already in class waiting for Mr Song to enter. Suddenly, someone came running into the classroom. "Omg, you guys have to see this. There's this new student and she's so gorgeous!" he exclaimed and everyone started rushing out of the class. Luhan and i exchanged glances before following the others. There was a big crowd of students surrounding the porch. Luhan and i squeezed through the crowd to the front. When i saw who everyone was referring to, i couldn't believe my eyes.

"Kim Miyoung."

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