New Crush

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Mirae's POV

               "Well, you look so happy missy." L oppa teased as he took a seat beside me. "Good that you guys are back on good terms." he added. "Yeah." I smiled. "Ehem. If you don't mind, could you please move your butt to that seat in front?" Luhan who suddenly appeared from behind said to L oppa while eyeing him. Luhan allowed L oppa to join us as he knew L oppa isn't really a threat to him. Haha. "Ok ok. Right away. Zoom zoom." L oppa obeyed and I couldn't help but giggle at his funny actions. Luhan then took the seat beside me. "Hey, babe." Luhan greeted with a wide smile. "Hey." I smiled back. "Eww, please guys. For your info, i'm right here." L said as he rolled his eyes in disgust. "Sorry." I giggled.

               "Why, are you apologizing? He's the one who wanted to join us here. So too bad." Luhan said as he stuck his tongue out. "Aish. I should find another girl quickly." L oppa said as he rubbed his temples. "Hmm, I can introduce you this friend of mine." I suggested. "Eh? You actually have another friend besides me?" L oppa said with a surprised expression which caused me to hit his head with the book I was holding. "Ah! Araso, mian!" he apologized as he rubbed his head in pain. "Anyways, who is this friend?" he continued. "Serri." I stated rather bluntly which caused the two gentlemen to choke on their saliva.

               "You mean Serri, Serri? The one with Miyoung?" Luhan asked. "Mhmm. She's a nice person ok." I said proudly. "What makes you say so?" L oppa asked as he raised his eyebrow. "Well, I had trainings with her and we eventually became friends. In fact, she was the one who told me that you were innocent." I said as I looked at Luhan. "Really?" Luhan asked in surprise. "Mhmm." I nodded. "Either ways, she's still a bad person to me since she was involved with Miyoung." L oppa commented. "You never even talked to her before. You shouldn't judge people so easily you know." I chuckled. "Meh." L oppa disagreed.


               I decided to leave the lovebirds alone as I thought I was an extra there. Anyways, I was quite surprised when Mirae told us that she actually became friends with Serri. I'm not convinced that Serri was actually a nice person. *But Miyoung did say something about Serri owing her something... Aish. Ani ani. She's still bad.* I snapped out of my thoughts by shaking my head. Suddenly, I heard some commotion going on nearby. I peeped over the wall and saw two familiar girls. *Is that Serri and Miyoung?* I thought as I narrowed my eyes to get a clear view. As I thought. It was them.

               I was about to walk away when Miyoung suddenly pushed Serri down and started kicking her. *What in the world?* Before I knew it, I quickly ran over to the scene. "What do you think you're doing?" I said as I pushed Miyoung away. "Who are you? Mind your own business!" Miyoung shouted. "Just a passerby who can't stand things like this. Did you think she's a doll where you can just kick around?" I said as I glared at Miyoung. "Aish. Fine, I'm letting her off this time!" Miyoung said before she walked away.

               "Are you ok?" I asked Serri as I helped her up. "I'm fine. Thank you for helping me." she thanked. "You're Mirae's friend right?" she asked as she looked at me. "Well, yeah. I'm Myungsoo." I said. "Ah, I see. I'm Serri." she said. Just then, the bell rang. "Ah, well. See you around and thank you for your help just now, Myungsoo." she smiled as she quickly walked away. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart suddenly reacted when she said my name. "Ah, mwoya? What is wrong with you Myungsoo? Get yourself together" I said to myself. As I was about to walk, something on the ground caught my eye.

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               *She must've dropped this..* I thought as I kept the bracelet into my pocket. I then started walking back to class.

               "Ok, so that is all for today. Thank you." said Mr Shin as the class got up and greeted him off. As soon as the class was dismissed, I quickly went over to Mirae's class and waited for her outside. After a few minutes, I saw Mirae and Luhan walking out together. "Yo, guys." I jogged over as I called out to them. "Oh, L oppa." Mirae waved as she smiled. "Mirae, do you know which class Serri is in?" I asked. "Serri? Well, I'm not really sure. Wae?" she said as she eyed me suspiciously.

               "I just wanted to return her something." I informed. "What did you borrow from her? I thought you don't like her and here you are looking for her and what, have something which belongs to her. You're really weird." Mirae said she continued eyeing me. "Mhmm. What's with the sudden interest?" Luhan teased. "Aish, i'm not interested in her or whatever guys! Come on." I said in exasperation.

               "Hahaha! Araso araso. Sorry." Mirae apologized as she giggled. "Well, I have her phone number if you want." Mirae said. "Ok. That way I could inform her about this." I said then Mirae gave me Serri's phone number. "Thanks." I said as I saved it. "No prob. Anyways, you going home now? Wanna walk home together with us?" Mirae suggested. "Yeah. Kaja." I nodded and we left school together.

               "Hmm... Should text or not? Yes or no?" I said as I walked around in my room in dilemma. "Aish. Just send and get over it." I said as I tapped the "send" button. A few minutes later, I received a reply from her.

-Msg convo-

Serri: Hello, Myungsoo. I'm really glad you found my bracelet. I was looking all over for it. x.x

Me: Haha. No, it's safe with me. Can we meet somewhere in school tomorrow? That way I can give it back to you. :)

Serri: Ok! How about we meet at the school fountain during recess? :)

Me: Ok, I see you there then. :)

Serri: Great! See you. :)

               Like that, the conversation ended. Little did I realize, I was actually smiling to myself all the way throughout the conversation with Serri.

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