New Rival

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Mirae's POV

               Soon enough, it was Friday. Although school starts late on Friday, i still dislike it as there's physical education on the last period. Tsk. Now is already 6:15 am. Time to get ready. After i put on my school uniform, i went down for breakfast. "Hey, mum~" I cooed as i kissed her cheek. "Hello, darling. Come, sit." I sat down and mum served me my breakfast. Breakfast was awesome. I had eggs and bacon again with a glass of milk. Yum yum. "I'll go now~" I said as i left. I was walking when someone covered my eyes.

               "Guess who." The person chuckled. "Pfft. Its obviously you, Luhan." I chuckled as i stated the obvious. Luhan giggled and uncovered my eyes. "Good morning." He greeted with a smile. "Morning." I smiled back. "Let's walk faster." Luhan said as he pulled me along. "Huh? Wae?" I asked confusingly. Luhan continued walking fast until we were far enough. "We can slow down now." He grinned. "What was that about?" I asked. "I just wanted to make sure the ugly dog won't disturb us." He chuckled. "Dog? What dog? I don't remember and of my neighbours having a pet dog." I stated. "Then it was an ugly stray dog. Better stay away from it." Luhan warned and walked away. *Dog? I swear there's no dog around. Aigoo..*

Luhan's POV

               *Kekeke! Mirae actually believed there was a dog around. An ugly stray dog aka Myungsoo. Bahaha.* Luhan chuckled at his thoughts. "What's wrong?" Mirae asked. "Oh? Ah, nothing. Heheh." I smiled cheekily. Mirae just shrugged her shoulders and continued walking. Finally, we reached our destination. Time pass by quite fast today. Before we knew it, it was already time for physical education. I was quite excited for it as usual but of course, someone here is dreading it. Kekeke.

Mirae's POV

               Physical education period. Now i'm gonna dread this. Urgh. "Hey, cheer up. It'll be over soon." Luhan patted my shoulder and grinned. "Yeah yeah. Whatever." I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, the whistle was blown. "Ok, guys. Gather around!" Mr Kim, the teacher, shouted out. Everyone quickly circled around him. "Ok, as usual. Let's start by doing some stretching excercises." Mr Kim instructed and started doing some stretched which everyone followed. "Ok, now that we're ready... Let's start the test." Mr Kim said. *Wth. What test?* I thought as i heard gasps from other students as well. "Well, its a surprise test. It won't be that difficult." Mr Kim smirked. *Oh, heck no. I am not gonna do this stupid surprise test.* Or so i thought.

               "Whennnnn.. will this.. enddddd? Gah!" I managed to say as i was doing sit ups. "Hahaha. Chill, Mirae. Come on. One more and were done!" Luhan cheered on. Yeah, he was my partner. I struggled to tap my elbows on my knees and just as i tapped it, Mr Kim blew the whistle. "Urgh." I gave up and laid down flat on the mat. "Good job, Mirae." Luhan patted my knees. "Ok. Good. Now everybody can take a rest now while i go calculate the marks." Mr Kim said as he walked over to the benches.

               "Omg. I feel like dying! Luhan! I want water!" I waved my hand dramatically. "Calm down, calm down. You're not gonna die, Mirae. Here." Luhan laughed as he handed me a bottle of water. I quickly snatched it and gulped down large amount of water into my throat. "Slow down, Mirae. Or else you'll choke." Luhan chuckled as he rubbed my back. "Ah! Refreshing!" I said as i finished drinking the whole bottle. Luhan just shook his head amusingly at my actions.

               "Ok, ok! Gather around, i have the results." Mr Kim instructed. "Ok, so most of you passed the test except for a few." He said as he eyed each and everyone of us. "I shall read out the names of those who needs to attend a special training for the sake of their physical health." *Oh, crap. Let it not be me!* I prayed silently. "Kim Miyeon, Park Chanyeol, Lee Taeyong, Kim Minah, Choi Taeyang, Kim Serri, Jung Soojung and Jang Mirae." *Damn it.* I facepalmed myself. "The training will start next week." Mr Kim informed. "Work hard. Jiayou!" Luhan cheered. "Ya! You know i don't want this. Urgh." I rubbed my temples. Luhan just patted my back. Finally we were dismissed.

               "Hey, Mirae. Can you wait for me by the gates? I forgot to hand in my assignment to Mr Song." Luhan asked as we were walking out of class. "Yeah, sure. I'll wait for you there." I smiled. Luhan nodded and quickly went off to look for Mr Song. I was standing by the gates alone when someone suddenly approached me. "You're Mirae, right?" I heard someone spoke. I turned around to see Serri standing in front of me.

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               "Ah, Serri." I said. "You got called out for the special training too right?" She asked. "Yeah. Wae?" I asked. "Well, i just came to wish you good luck." She flipped her her. "Eh? Ah, you mean for the training. I see." I nodded. "Treat this as a test to see who is better and no. I was referring to something else." She smirked. "What do mean?" I looked at her confusingly.

               "Mirae ah!" I turned around and saw Luhan coming our way. "Your best friend... He's cute." Serri spoke into my ear before she gave another smirk and went off. *Oh, heck no. Don't tell me she likes-* "Hey, what were you and that Sulli talking about?" Luhan asked as he took a glance at Serri. "Its Serri but call her whatever you want to. Let's go." I said as i started walking. Luhan just shrugged his shoulders and followed after me.

               *Looks like i have a competitor now...*

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