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Luhan's POV

               "Are you ready to leave?" asked mum as she entered my room. "Oh? Yeah." I said as I zipped my luggage and carried it to the car. After putting my luggage into the car I got in and the driver drove us to the school first as I had to send in my letter of transfer to the school. "Want me to accompany you?" Mum asked as I opened the door. "Ani, i'll make a quick one." I smiled and quickly went to the teacher's office.

               "Excuse me, is Mr Song in?" I asked the lady at the front desk. "Yes, please give me a moment." said the lady as she called for Mr Song. "He'll be here in a minute." she said. "Thank you." I thanked the lady. "Ah, Luhan. Where have you been?" Mr Song asked as soon as he saw me. "I'm sorry for being absent for a few days. I came by to hand you this letter." I said I handed him the letter.

               "You're transferring school?" Mr Song said in surprise. He said it loud enough that the other students that were in the office heard it. "Yes, I'm flying back to China." I explained. I noticed the other students started whispering to each other and quickly left the office. *Crap. This is not good.* "Well then, I have to leave now. Thank you for everything, Mr Song." I bowed and quickly left.

               As I was walking along the hallway, I could hear people telling each other about me transferring schools. I'm sure Mirae's gonna find out anytime soon. I have to leave quickly. When I arrived back at the porch, I quickly went in the car. "Have you sent in the letter?" asked mum. "Yes. We should get going now." I said. "Are you sure? You don't want to see Mirae before we leave?" Mum asked. She knows the current situation Mirae and I are in right now and she knows how hard it was for me.

               "No, it'd be harder for me to leave.. We should go now." I sighed. Mum gave me a warm pat on my shoulder and told the driver to start driving. As the driver started driving out, I sent a quick text message to Myungsoo. Just before the car left the school porch, I took one last glance back at the school. A small part of me hoping to see Mirae at least a bit. However that didn't happen and I looked back in front with a sigh.

Mirae's POV

               While we were on the way to the airport, a lot of things was happening in my mind and it felt like it could explode at any moment. *Please let us get there in time.* I prayed silently. "Ah, oppa. How did you know Luhan's flight is in the afternoon?" Serri asked all of sudden. "Ah... Well... He kinda sent me a text earlier on. Haha.." L oppa answered as he scratched his head awkwardly. "What? Why didn't you tell me earlier??" I asked with a frown. "Well, it was so chaotic just now so I kinda forgot... But I did tell you right??" L oppa said with a pout. "Fine fine." I said in defeat.

               Soon enough, we reached the airport. "Which lane is the flight at??" I asked L oppa. "Molla. Let's look at the board over there!" L oppa said while pointing to a big board. The board showed all the flights taking off today. "Ah, that one! It's at lane 8!" I indicated when I spotted the airline. "It's taking off soon! Palli!" I said and started running towards the lane.

Luhan's POV

               *5 minutes more...* I thought as I glanced at the clock. I then unlocked my phone and stared at my wallpaper. A photo of Mirae and I. *How I wish you're here with me...* I thought as I swiped my thumb over the photo. "Are you ok?" I turned as my mum caressed my back comfortingly. "Yeah, I'm fine.. I guess." I said with a sad face. "You know you don't have to do this. I could just go alone and help you reason with your father-" "No mum, it's ok..." I said.

               Mum smiled sadly at me and nodded her head. I have to go back to China now. That's what what I promised my father with the deal we made. Well it's a long story but my father did not actually allowed me to come to Korea in the first place. After a long discussion we finally comprised with each other. So the deal was that I get to Korea but have to return back to China after a few months to help out with his business. So yeah, which explains the whole situation.

               "Passengers of Lane 8 please start boarding the aircraft. It will take off in 15 mins." the announcement for my flight sounded. *We have to leave soon...* I thought as my mum signaled for us to join the cue to the aircraft. I got up and pulled my luggage slowly with heavy steps. As I reached the cue, I can't help but keep looking around hoping to see Mirae. Soon enough, it was my turn to go in.

               I was about to enter the departure area when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. *Nah, it's just my imgination.* I thought as I looked around for Mirae but did not see her anywhere. I then went to my mum after my passport got checked. "Is everything checked correctly?" Mum asked. "Yeah, let's go." I smiled. "Luhan! Luhan!" My ears perked and I instinctively turned around. *I'm sure I heard her voice.* I thought as I looked outside the glass barrier for her.

               "Luhan, is everything alright?" Mum asked worriedly. "Mum, I think I heard her voice calling out to me." I told my mum while still straining my eyes out for her. "Luhan, are you sure? Maybe your imaginations are just playing around with you since you're longing for her.." Mum said. *She's probably right..* I thought as I stopped looking and looked down in disappointment. "Don't be so sad darling. We'll come to visit again." Mum said as she rubbed my back comfortingly. "Yeah.. We should get going." I gave her a small smile as I started walking.

               *Goodbye, Mirae. I'm gonna miss you.*

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