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Mirae's POV

               So my mum actually allowed Luhan to spend the night here and now I have to deal with it. "Psst, Rae rae. I'm done." Luhan said as his head popped out of the toilet. "Here." I handed him a towel and my appa's old pajamas. My appa had a small built like Luhan when he was younger so it should fit just fine. "Thanks." He smiled and closed the door. A few minutes later, he got out. "Hmm, looks good." I said as I looked at him wearing the pajamas. "It's comfy." Luhan said as he showed me his cute smile. *He looked just like a kid. Aigoo.* I chuckled at my thoughts.

               "Aigoo. You look so cute in my husband's old pajamas. Good thing it fits you." Eomma said as she came into the room. "Yes, Mrs Jang. It's very comfortable too." He said as he smiled. "I hope this room is fine with you. We have only this one guest room anyways." Mum chuckled. "Ani ani. I like it. It feels welcoming." Luhan said in assurance. "Ok, then I shall go to my room now. Make yourself at home. Just ask Mirae if you need anything." said eomma as she leaves the room. "Well, then. If there's nothing else, I shall go to room now." I smiled and quickly left the room. *I should probably take a shower now.* I thought and went to take a shower.

               "Haaaa, so nice." I said as I finished showering. After I dried my hair, I proceeded to lie down on my bed. I tucked myself in bed comfortably when suddenly I felt a hand slid around my waist. "Omo! Yah! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed as I turned around to see Luhan smilling happily while hugging me. "I just wanted to cuddle with you." He said with a pout. "Andwae. What if my mum comes in and sees us like this?" I frowned. "At least were just cuddling. Not doing something else..." He smirked as his right hand went up along my waist. 

               "Yah!" I quickly stopped his hands and glared at him. "I'm just kidding babe. Unless you really do want to do it, I'm fine." He smirked again. *Omo omo. Why this asdfghjkl.* "Mwo? Yah, naga." I said as I attempted to push him out of my bed. "Can't I sleep with you just for tonight? Since I'm just staying for one night." He pouted. Of course I wanted him to sleep beside me as well but I'm afraid of getting caught by mum.

               0After some thoughts, I decided to allow him to sleep here. Luhan quickly jumped back in the bed and automatically wrapped his arms around me. One arm as my pillow and the other around my waist. We were happily cuddling with each other when something furry went in between us. "Oh, Boa ah." I giggled as she went up and cuddled against me. "I think she doesn't want you to be too close to me." I chuckled as I patted her. "Yah, Boa ah. I'm only staying for this one night. So could you please kindly move away? Paws off Rae rae for tonight." Luhan said as he pouted looking a little annoyed. However, Boa didn't even budge. "Rae rae~" Luhan whined. "Aish, araso. Boa ah, you sleep in your bed for tonight ok?" I said as I picked her up and transferred her to her own pillow bed. Boa obeyed as she stayed there.

Luhan's POV

               "There. Happy now?" Mirae said as she tucked back in bed. "Mhmm. Very. Come here." I smiled as I pulled her closer to me. "Rae rae ah." I spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Hmm?" Mirae hummed in response. "What would you do if I have to go back to China?" I asked. "Hmm... I'm not sure but of course I wouldn't want you to go. Why do you ask?" Mirae said as she looked up in confusion. "Ani. I'm just asking." I smiled. She pouted in confusion and rested her head back on my chest. *Sigh* I kissed her forehead and caressed her hair gently over and over again and we soon fell asleep.

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