First Kiss

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Mirae's POV

               My eyes fluttered open and found myself staring at the ceiling. *What..? I thought Lu-* I turned to the side and saw Luhan's sleeping face right infront of me. Then i felt my hand was gripping onto something. I looked down and blushed when i saw our hands were interlocked. I guess i must've fallen asleep while Luhan was massaging me. Kekeke. I turned my body to face Luhan. *He's so cute...* I thought as i played with his soft, fluffy hair.

               My hand then travelled down to his face as my fingers traced his facial features and then rested my palm on his right cheek. I was staring at his face when Luhan's lips made a small pout. *OMG. SO CUTE.* I thought as i spazzed over my best friend. Unconsciously, my fingers grazed over his pouty lips. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started racing. I felt myself getting drawn closer to his lips. I could feel his soft breaths on my lips as our lips were just inches apart. Our lips was about to touch when suddenly... Luhan opened his eyes.

Luhan's POV

               I woke up and was surprised to see Mirae's face looking at me wide eyed. I then realised that our lips were so close to kissing. Mirae quickly moved back, releasing my hand that was interlocked with hers the whole time we were sleeping. "Erm... Are you feeling better?" I asked in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Err, yeah. Feels much better. Thanks to your massage." Mirae said as she gave a small smile. "Oh, that's good. You must've enjoyed my massage that you fell asleep." I chuckled. Mirae just giggled in response. After that, we both went down to the living room.

               "Hey, you hungry?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm starving." Mirae pouted as she hugged her stomach. "Wanna go out and eat? We should try that new ramen place." I asked. Mirae nodded her head excitedly with a wide smile plastered on her face. She then sped off to the front door. *So cute.* I smiled as i chuckled to myself.

-At the ramen place-

               "Wow~ All the dishes looks so appetizing!" Mirae said happily as she scanned the menu. I just shook my head in amusement. Then the waiter came and took our orders. "This ramen place is so nice." Mirae said as she looked around in awe. "Yeah." I agreed to her statement. Soon enough, our food was served. I must say, the noodles were awesome. "Mmm! Luhan, you gotta try this!" Mirae exclaimed as she fed me a spoonful of her noodles. "Very nice!" I commented with my thumbs up. "Here, try mine." I said as i fed her a spoonful of my noodles too. Mirae couldn't describe the taste in words that she just smiled happily while nodding her head with a thumbs up. I just laughed at her reaction. After finishing our food, we left the place.

               We then decided to take a walk in the park to digest our food. We were walking side by side when our hands would brushed against one another making us blush at contact. I then put my hands into my pockets while looking elsewhere to hide my blush. Then we reach the traffic light where we had to cross. I reached the other side of the road just in time as the traffic light switches to red. However, i noticed Mirae wasn't with me. Suddenly i heard cars honking behind me. I turned around and saw Mirae standing in the middle of the road wide eyed as cars started coming towards her. "Mirae!"

Mirae's POV

               As i was crossing the road, i realized that i dropped my phone along the way and quickly ran over to pick it up. However, i didn't realized that the traffic light had turned red and cars started coming towards me. I was too shocked that i couldn't move as i stayed rooted to the ground. I closed my eyes tightly as i waited for any of the cars to hit me which could be the end of my life. Suddenly, i felt a strong pull and i was soon in someone's embrace. I opened my eyes and found myself wrapped in Luhan's arms protecting me firmly.

               "Are you ok, Mirae?" He asked with eyes full of worry. "I'm f-fine." I stuttered. Luhan then helped me get up and then i noticed that his arm was bleeding. "Luhan, you're bleeding!" I exclaimed as i held his arm. "Aha, i must've scratched myself. Its nothing." He assured me. "No, you're not. Let's get this treated." I said as i dragged him to a nearby clinic.

-In the clinic-

               "There. You just have to be careful next time. It'll heal in about two weeks time." The doctor informed. We both thanked the doctor and left the clinic. "You know, you didn't have to drag me here. I could've just treated it myself at home." Luhan chuckled. I looked at his injured arm and tears started to form. Soon enough, it fell and i was crying. "Mirae? Why are you crying? What happened? What's wrong?" Luhan attacked me with questions as he was shocked to see me crying. "I... I.. You.. I'm sorry.." I said as sobbed harder, guilt took over me.

               "Hey... Shh, its fine. I'm alright, see? Hey, don't cry.." Luhan tried calming me down with his words as he pulled me into his embrace. "But you got injured because of me... I.. I shouldn't have-" Luhan then cut me off. "Hey, its not you're fault. Stop crying, ok? I hate to see you cry." Luhan comforted me while stroking my hair gently. After a few minutes. I finally calmed down and got out of his embrace. "There, don't cry ok?" Luhan said as he wiped my tears and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started beating fast and i looked up at him with sad eyes. Luhan looked down on me and gave me warm smile.

               "I'm really sorry. I should've been more careful. I-" I was suddenly cut off and my eyes widened when i finally realised what happened. Luhan's. Lips. On. Mine. I was too shocked to even react. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart was beating extremely fast that it could probably burst anytime. After a few minutes, Luhan slowly broke the kiss. He then looked at me with a smile. I blinked a few times before finally being able to speak. "Luhan... You..." I was speechless actually. "Kissed you? Yeah, i did." Luhan said while he blushed a shade of pink. "Why..?" I managed to speak out. "Well, i... Sigh. I think its about time you know." Luhan sighed as he took a deep breath before speaking.

               "Throughout the years of our friendship, i realized i started to develop feelings for you. You were always there for me and we went through hardships together. You were that one girl who i always admired and wanted to protect. Which is why i don't mind getting injured for you. I know this is risky but... Mirae, i'm in love with you." Luhan finally ended his confession and looked down at the ground. I looked down and saw that he was playing with fingers, indicating that he was nervous with what i had to say. I admit. I was shocked with his sudden confession. However, it was also at that moment that made me realised that he's the person i'm in love with. Its now or never.

               "Hey.." I spoke up. Luhan looked up nervously as he waited for my response. I then took this chance to give him a peck on his soft lips. "I'm in love with you too, Luhan." I shyly confessed. Luhan's eyes widened in surprised. He then pulled me into a tight hug. But it was more loving this time. "I'm glad you felt the same way too." He sighed in relief. He then pulled away and gazed at me deeply in the eye. He then smiled as he pulled me closer by the waist and leaned in as we shared a passionate kiss.


Omonaaaaaaa~!! They finally kissed!! Gahhhhhhh. \^0^/

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