The Mastermind

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Mirae's POV

               It's been a few days since that incident and yes, I have been avoiding him since then. Of course, Luhan would try to talk to me but I'd just ignore him. I just can't accept what happened that day in Japan. It's History right now and we're sitting beside each other as usual. It's the most difficult time when he's sitting beside me cause I know he's staring at me and you guys know how much I dislike being stared at.

               Finally, the bell rang and it's time to go home. Before Luhan could even stop me, I had already left the classroom. *Aigoo. Mirae, you're so cruel to leave him just like that. You're being even more cruel than before. You should let him explain or something.* thought the "good" side of me. *Pish. Please, he deserves it Mirae. I mean, he's the one who kissed that bish back in Japan. THAT, was much more cruel than what you are doing right now.* thought the "bad" side of me *No no, Mirae. Don't listen to her! You know deep in your heart Luhan wouldn't do something like that. You should talk to him about it so-* *Nah, don't waste your time Mirae. Just dump him and look for someone better. He's already hurt you enough. Obviously you two aren't good for each-* *No! Talk it out!* "Aish! Just shut up!" I shouted out in frustration. Then I realised people were looking. I quickly looked down and walked faster. *Aigoo, so embarrassing.*

               "Mirae, you ok?" I looked up to see L oppa looking at me with a frown. "Eh? Ah, I'm fine." I said. "Is it because of that incident?" he asked softly. "Err, no. Pfft. I'm fine, serious." I chuckled. "You know, I really think you should talk to him about this. He's desperate to explain himself too." he suggested. "I know but I'm still not ready to talk to him yet." I chukled sadly.


               Mirae and Luhan haven't been talking for a few days now. Well, only because Mirae's avoiding him. I know this sounds crazy but it's actually quite depressing for me to see them like this. Maybe it's because I can't disturb aka cock block. Haha. Anyways, it's more saddening to see Mirae like this. I mean, she's not her usual always-smiling-and-happy self like when she's with Luhan. I should do something to get them back on good terms with each other. I know, I know. I'm digging my own grave but it's better to get them back together to see Mirae smiling again than seeing her in this current state.

               School again the next day. I felt like I should confront Luhan today. It's recess now so Luhan should be in the canteen or somewhere in the school. I looked around the canteen but there was no sign of Luhan. *Hmm. Maybe he's up at the rooftop.* I was going up the stairs to the rooftop when I saw two familiar girls talking along the corridor at the 4th level. I was about to ignore them and continue climbing the stairs but then I overheard their conversation.

               "It's so good to see them like this. I like it when Mirae's suffering." my ears perked up when I heard one of the girls mentioning Mirae. I quickly hid myself behind a pillar to hear more. "But Miyoung. Don't you think this is bad? Didn't you say Mirae was your best friend before?" said the other girl. *Miyoung? Best friend?* "Yes and that was before she stole Daehyun away from me. She always got what she wanted. From good grades to guys. I've always liked Daehyun but she had to steal him away from me." said Miyoung spitefully.

               "Are you sure she stole him away from you? I mean, did she even know you liked him?" said the other girl. "It's obvious that I liked him. I mean, she should've known better since she was my best friend! Anyways, why are talking like this? Are you trying to get on her side, Serri?" Miyoung raised her eyebrows. "Don't forget, you owe me." she added with a smirk. "I-I'm sorry. I won't speak like this again." Serri apologized. "Good." Miyoung smiled in satisfaction. *I've got to tell Mirae about this.*

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