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Mirae's POV

               "Luhan?" I stood up in surprise. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to help out with something." I asked. "I just decided to come here." Luhan stated with a poker face. "And you kept me waiting for hours. So, where were you?" He added. "Erm, well i was out early in the morning to get some fresh air." I answered. "Alone?" He asked and started walking slowly towards me. "Err, yeah." I lied. "Really..?" He asked again as he got closer to me. "Y-yeah." I stuttered as i moved backwards. "Why are you stuttering then?" Luhan smirked as his stare got intense and he got closer. *Omg. What's going on?*

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               I walked further backwards until i hit the side of the bed and fell down. "So, would you mind telling me the truth?" Luhan smirked as he hovered above me on the bed. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started racing and i felt my cheeks burn. "L-Luhan. What are you trying to do?" I asked nervously. Luhan didn't say anything but just replied me with a smirk. 

               Suddenly, his face started to inch forward slowly while maintaining his intense eye contact with me. *Omg. What is he doing?!* My eyes widened at his sudden act making me unable to think and do anything. Luhan then slowly closed his eyes as he inched closer. When our lips were just inches apart, Luhan stopped. He slowly opened his eyes and gazed at me deeply. *Duk duk duk duk* I heard my heart beat again and i guess Luhan could hear it too as the room was quiet and my heart was beating loud enough. We stayed at that position for a good five minutes when Luhan suddenly burst out laughing.

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               *What the-* "LUHAN!" I exclaimed as i pushed him away and he continued laughing on the bed. "Omg. You should've seen your face! It was so- Ahahahahaha!!" Luhan laughed so hard he was rolling around on the bed. I felt so angry, annoyed, cheated, irritated and embarrassed at the same time that i just hit him hard with a pillow and stormed out of the room.

Luhan's POV

               So, i told Mirae earlier this morning that i needed to help out with something. The furniture mum ordered came today so i had to help out with the arrangements and stuffs. It didn't took that long though. After that, i told mum that i'll be going over to Mirae's and left. So, here i am. In front of Mirae's house ringing the doorbell over and over but no one opened it. Seems like a familiar situation huh? Haha.

               Anyways, i called Mrs Jang and she told me that she was out for a meeting again and Mirae was out alone. *Mirae, out alone? Was she that bored? Tsk.* Then, i got permission to enter the house by myself and waited patiently for Mirae's return. I got bored and decided to roam around the house giving myself a house tour on my own. I was up in the library room when i heard someone entered the house.

                "I'm home~" *That must be Mirae.* I took a glance at my watch and it was 12 pm. *She made me wait for 2 hours. Tsk.* I then heard her going to her room. I left the room and walked slowly towards her room. "Hey there, Boa~" She greeted her pet kitten as she ruffled its fur happily. Something seemed to be in her mind as she was smiling by herself as she looked down at Boa. That's when i decided to open my mouth. "Where were you?" I asked. Mirae seemed to be surprised by it as she got up and turned around with a surprised look on her face.

               "Luhan?" She said. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to help out with something." She added. Clearly, she didn't expect me to be here. Heh. "I just decided to come here." I stated with a poker face. "And you kept me waiting for hours. So, where were you?" I added. Still keeping my poker face on. "Erm, well i was out early in the morning to get some fresh air." She answered. *She couldn't have gone alone, right?*

                "Alone?" I asked as i started to walk slowly towards her. "Err, yeah." She answered. *Yeah, right.* Not satisfied with her answer, i walked closer as she got tensed. "Y-yeah." She stuttered and started moving backwards. *She's getting nervous. Kekeke.* "Why are you stuttering then?" I smirked and gave her my intense stare as i got closer. I continued moving forward while she kept moving backward. Then she hit the side of her bed and fell down onto it.

               "So, would you mind telling me the truth?" I smirked as i hovered above her. I clearly didn't know what i'm trying to do but seeing Mirae's nervous reaction somehow made me continue my act. "L-Luhan. What are you trying to do?" She asked nervously. I didn't say anything and just gave her a smirk. I didn't know what got over me but i felt myself inching my face closer to hers while maintaining my eye contact with her. I started to close my eyes slowly as i kept inching closer. As our lips were just inches apart, i opened my eyes slowly and gazed deeply into her eyes. Her eyes are so pretty and defined. And never in my entire 19 years of life have i gotten this close to her. *Duk duk duk duk* I heard my heart beat fast and i guess Mirae could hear it too as the room was quiet and my heart was beating loud enough.

[But actually their heartbeats was beating in sync, so that's why they both thought the same way. Kekeke! :]

               *Ok, Luhan. You've gotta stop now or you won't be able to if you continue.* So, i decided to do the stupidest thing. Laugh it off. *Facepalm* She's gonna get mad and would probably hate me for the rest of her entire life. Aigoo. After staying that way for five minutes, i burst out laughing. As expected, she absolutely got angry.

               "LUHAN!" She exclaimed and pushed me away as i continued laughing on the bed. "Omg. You should've seen your face! It was so- Ahahahahaha!!" I laughed so hard i was rolling around on the bed. Her face turned red and then took a pillow which she hit me hard with and stormed out of the room. That's when i stopped laughing. "Aigoo... Mianhae, Mirae ah." I spoke softly as i felt guilty of what i did. *Now she probably thinks i'm playing around with her feelings. What have you gotten yourself into, Luhan?*

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