Boyfriend Material

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Mirae's POV

               Today's Saturday which means no school. Yay. That also means waking up late. To my surprise, i woke up really late. When i woke up, it was already 10:30 am. Must have been so tired after getting hit on the head. Lol. I went down to the living room to look for my mum.

               "Eomma?" I called out to her but she wasn't home. I checked the kitchen, living room and her bedroom. She was nowhere to be found.

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             Suddenly, my stomach growl. "Euuurreuurongggg~ (Sorry just had to. xD)" *Omo. How could mum leave me without any food? Is she trying to make me starve to death??* I thought as i went into the kitchen to look for food. I finally gave up and decided to wash up instead.

Luhan's POV

               Today is Saturday. Since there's no school, i decided to go visit Mirae. I wonder if she's still sleeping? Nevermind. I'll know when i get there. After a few minutes walk from my house, i finally reached my destination.

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               "Ding dong." *No response* "Ding dong." *No response* *Is she not at home?* I then decided to call Mrs Jang. "Yoboseyo?" Said the voice at the other end of the line. "Ah, Mrs Jang. This is Luhan. May i know if Mirae is with you?" I asked politely. "Oh, Luhan. Well, no. I'm out for a meeting right now. She should be home." Mrs Jang answered. "Oh? I rang the doorbell a few times but no one seems to be home." I informed. "Really? Then she's still asleep i guess. Here, i'll give you the house password. Its ****." I then tried to key in the password. The door then got unlocked. "Ah, thank you Mrs Jang. I'll take care of Mirae for you while you're away." With that i ended the phone call.

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