New Guy

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(That's Mirae in the pic)


           Time passed by slowly for the next few lessons and it was killing me. Luhan was not helping either. He had been silent since just now. "Hey, Luhan. Why are you so quiet? Talk to me~" I nudged him on the shoulder. No response. *What's up with him?* I decided to leave him alone and continued paying attention to the lesson. Finally, it was lunch time. Luhan packed up and left, leaving me alone. *Ok, something's up.* I quickly packed up and ran after him. Luckily he's still near by.

              "Hey, Luhan! What's up with you?" I tapped him on the shoulder

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              "Hey, Luhan! What's up with you?" I tapped him on the shoulder. "Nothing's wrong." He said while looking straight ahead. "Really?" I asked not convinced with his answer. "Yeap." He nodded and then gave me a smile. *Pfft. You're obviously lying Luhan. Aigoo.* However, I decided to brush it off. Finally, we reached the cafeteria.

               "Hmm, I wonder what they have for lunch." I scanned the menu. "Is there any bubble tea here?" Luhan suddenly spoke. "Hahaha! Of course not, silly." I shook my head. "That's too bad then." Luhan pouted. "Aigoo , we can look for bubble tea after school." I said while giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Ok!" Luhan smiled cheerfully. *Aigoo, you and your bubble tea.* I thought as I smiled to myself.

               After a while, we finally got ourselves some food. I bought a ham and cheese sandwich while Luhan bought an egg and mayo sandwich. "Want some?" I asked. "Just a bite." Luhan said and moved his face closer to have a bite. "Mmm. Nice. Here, you have a bite too." Luhan hovered his sandwich right in front of my mouth. "Mmm! Delicious!" I said while showing the "good" sign. It's become a habit for both of us to share our food together ever since we got close. Then I noticed that some people were looking at me with an amused face. "Why are they looking at me?" I looked around feeling confused. "Aish, you have some mayo here." Luhan suddenly wiped the mayo that was on the corner of my lips with his thumb. "There." He smiled. "Gomawo." I smiled feeling a little embarrassed.

               We quickly finished our sandwiches and left the cafeteria. "So, where should we go?" I asked while looking around. "Hmm, I don't know? How about the rooftop?" Luhan suggested. "Ok, let's go there!" We then took the stairs up to the roof. "Uwah! It's so pretty up here!" I twirled around. "Yeah, it is." Luhan smiled and looked around. The rooftop was amazing. It was peaceful here.

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