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               Time passed by so fast that it's already time for the last period. That is, physical education/gym period. The teacher came and told the class to change into the proper attire; t-shirt and shorts.

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               "I'm so excited for this class. I wonder what were gonna play." Luhan said excitedly. How typical of him. He had always been into sports apart from performing. Tsk tsk. However, its the opposite for me though. I've never really liked sports. Well, i did but then something happened and... Yeah. Long story. Haha. "Hey, i know you don't like sports but... Atleast smile a little?" Luhan forced me to smile by tugging the corner of lips upwards with his fingers. I just gave him a fake smile. "Aigoo. Fake smile huh." Luhan ruffled my hair. I just giggled in response. "Are you two a couple..?" A girl suddenly approached us. I must say, she's pretty.

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               "Erm... No. We're not." I answered. "Who are you by the way?" I asked cause i know she's not from our class. "Serri." She stated coldly and turned around to join her group of friends. "Err... Ok?" I turned around and looked at Luhan with a what's-wrong-with-her expression. Luhan just shrugged his shoulders. "Ok, class. Gather around. Quick quick." The teacher called out as he blew his whistle. Everyone quickly gathered around. "Ok, so for every of this lesson, two classes will be combined. Like, today. So for a start,we'll do some stretching excercises first and then play a game of dodge ball." The teacher instructed. As soon as he blew the whistle, everyone started doing their stretching excercises. After that, dodge ball. Great.

               All through out the game, i was literally standing at one corner. Not doing anything. The ball never even came to me. Which is good. I was getting bored and my mind started to drift off, not paying attention to the game. Suddenly, i got hit on the head. Hard. 

               I heard everyone gasp and the next thing i knew, everything was black.

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