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Mirae's POV

               Urgh, i swear i can sleep any time soon. History lesson is so boring. "Yah, Mirae. Don't fall asleep." Luhan nudged me by the arm. "Araso araso." I groaned as i used my palms to support my head. "Ok, that'd be the end of this lesson. Remember to study for the exam." Mr Song said and left. "What exam is he talking about?" I looked at Luhan. "Exam. Next week. See, you weren't listening." he chuckled. "Yah, i was sleepy ok. Tsk." I puffed my cheeks. Soon it was recess.

               "Luhan, i have this book i borrowed which is already overdue. So i want to return it first." I waved the book at Luhan. "Araso. I'll accompany you to the library." Luhan was about to walk when i stopped him. "No no. You wait for me at the cafeteria. Book a table." "Ok then. I'll see you there." Luhan kissed my forehead before he left to the cafeteria. I smiled and headed to the library.

               "I'm here to return this book." I said as i hand the book over to the librarian. I was about to leave when someone called my name. I turned around and saw L oppa waving at me from a table. He then gestured me to come over. "What is it?" I asked. "Here, take a seat. I was having trouble solving this math problem when you came." he smiled. "So you want me to help you solve it?" i looked at him. "Correct." he nodded his head cutely.

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               "Araso. Which one?" L oppa scooted closer to me and pointed to the question. I then started to teach him how to solve it. "That's how you get the final answer." I smiled. "Ah~ Now i get it. Thanks." he smiled. "No, problem." I smiled back. Suddenly i remember something. *Oh no. Luhan!* I remember Luhan was waiting for me at the cafeteria. "Oppa, i have to go." I hurriedly got up. "Oh, araso." L oppa nodded. I was about to leave when something made me gasp in horror.

               Luhan was already standing by the entrance and looking at me with an intense stare. He then turned away and left the library. I quickly ran after him. "Luhan!" I grabbed his arm. "What?" he shoved his arm harshly. "Look, i can explain." I said slowly. "You don't have to. It's clear that you'd rather spend time with him than me. You should've just said you wanted to meet him instead of using that i-need-to-return-this-overdued-book-to-the-library excuse." Luhan was really pissed. "It's not like that, Luhan!" I exclaimed. "Whatever. I'm going back to class." he turned around and left.

               Luhan didn't even glance at me in class. I know he was really pissed and it was my fault but he wouldn't let me explain. I wanted to try talking to him but i know he'd just ignore me. So i decided to wait after school ends. A few minutes later, class was dismissed. I packed my things quickly and waited for Luhan. As soon as Luhan finished packing his things he got up. "Luhan, i need to talk to you." I said softly. "We'll talk tomorrow. I'm tired." he said without even looking at me and left. I could only sigh and walk out with my head down.

               "Why so down?" I heard someone ask and looked up. "Oh, L oppa." I smiled weakly. "Where's Luhan?" he looked around. "He already left." I sighed. "Without you?" L oppa said in a surprised manner. I could only shrug my shoulders. "Had an argument?" he asked. "Yeah. Haha." I faked a laugh. "What happened?" he glanced at me. "Just a little misunderstanding." I chukled. L oppa took a glance at me and kept quiet. Soon, we reached home. "Bye. Cheer up, ok?" he smiled and ruffled my hair. I smiled and nodded. I continued walking while looking down at the pavement when i saw a shadow and looked up.

               "Luhan." My eyes widened at the sight of him.

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