Sweet Kiss

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Mirae's POV

               I can't believe she's going to be attending the same school as me. Andwae. "Oh, Mirae ah!" she faked a smile as she came towards me. "Mind helping me? I'm new here, as you can see." she said. "I'm sure you'll help your best friend, right?" she smirked. Then everyone started whispering all around. *Aish* "Follow me." i rolled my eyes and turned around. "Luhan, i'll see you in class." Luhan nodded and i started walking.

               While we were walking towards the office, everyone was looked at us when we walk pass. "This is the office. Walk in, show them your identification and all. Then they'll give you instructions from there. Good luck." i stated and left her standing in front of the office's entrance. *Pfft. So annoying. Aish.* "Good morning, Mr Song." i greeted as i entered the class. As soon as i sat down, everyone crowded around me and started bombarding me with questions.

               "Are you friends with that new girl?" "How do you know her?" "What's her name?" "Are two best friends?" "What class is she in?" "Where is she right now?" "Can i have her number?" "How-" "Ok, that's enough! You can ask her all those questions later. Now everybody get back to your seats." Mr Song commanded. Everyone quickly went back to their seats and paid attention to the lesson.

                Soon, class ended. Right after Mr Song left, they crowded around me again. *Omg. This is so annoying. Urgh.* "Before you guys bombard me with all your questions, let me clear a few things. Yes, i do know her. No, i'm not her best friend. So, if you guys want to know her, go talk to her yourself. Araso? Kamsahamnida." i stated. That made them all retreat with a groan.

               "Urgh." i groan as i slumped down on the chair. "Gwaenchana?" Luhan asked as he rubbed my back as a way to say 'calm down'. "Ani. I have a feeling i'm going to hate school from now on." i said as i blew my bangs. "Calm down. You still have me." he smiled brightly.

Luhan's POV

               I'm now in class listening to Mr Song's lesson while waiting for Mirae to come back. I wonder if everything's alright between those two. "Good morning, Mr Song." Mirae greeted as she entered the class. I was about to open my mouth when everyone started to crowd around and bombarded questions at her as soon as she sat down. I couldn't even catch what they were asking as they asked all at once. "Ok, that's enough! You can ask her all those questions later. Now everybody get back to your seats." Mr Song commanded and everyone quickly went back. Aigoo, i pity my Rae Rae.

               Right after class ended and Mr Song left, everyone started to crowd around again. I could sense that Mirae was annoyed by the look of her face. "Before you guys bombarded me with all your questions, let me clear a few things. Yes, i do know her. No, i'm not her best friend. So, if you guys want to know her, go talk to her yourself. Araso? Kamsahamnida." Mirae stated. That made them retreat with a groan.

               "Gwaenchana?" i asked when she slumped down on her chair while rubbing her back to calm her down. "Ani. I have a feeling i'm going to hate school from now on." she said and blew her bangs away. "Calm down. You still have me." i smiled. She returned the smile and rested her head on the table. I wanted to ask her more but decided that it's better to ask her later, when she's calmed down.

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