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               "Rae rae? Are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Luhan waved his hand infront of my face. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I smiled and continued walking. Luhan then continued talking about life and other ridiculous things. Finally, we reached school. "Oh? Did we come too early?" Luhan asked as he looked around the almost deserted school compound. "I'm not sure. Wait, let's ask that person." I pointed to a girl who was sitting alone at a bench near the pond.

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               "Excuse me, may i know why the school looks empty?" I asked when she turned around. "Oh, well. Today is Friday, so school starts late." She stated. "Ah, araso. Kamsahamnida." I bowed and went back to Luhan. "So, what did she say?" Luhan asked. "School starts late on Friday's." I stated. "Ah. So what do we do then? We have about an hour till school starts." Luhan looked at his watch. "Hmm... Let's walk around the school?" I suggested. Luhan just nodded and started walking. While we were walking, nobody spoke a word.

               "Rae rae? Are sure you're ok?" Luhan suddenly spoke. "Yeah, i'm alright. Why do you ask?" I turned to look at him. "Well, you were being too quiet since this morning. That's not how you usually are." Luhan looked at me with worry. "Ah~ Ani. Na gwenchana." I gave him an assuring smile. Luhan smiled back and ruffled my hair. We continued walking when suddenly Luhan spoke again. "Hey, wanna go up to the rooftop? There seem to be nothing interesting here." Luhan suggested. "Ah, ok!" I smiled.

               "Hmm~ So peaceful here." Luhan stretched out his arms when we reached the rooftop. I just let out a giggle and sat on the bench. Not long after, Luhan sat beside me. I don't why but i felt that the atmosphere was kind off different. We could hear nothing but birds chirping and the leaves rustling. It felt... Romantic? I turned to look at Luhan and was surprised to find him staring at me. Suddenly, he started to lean forward. *Omo omo. What is he doing? My heart is beating fast again! This is like in my dream!*

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               Luhan continued to lean forward and pulled me into his arms for a warm hug. "Luhan? Are you ok? Is something wrong?" I asked, confused by actions. "Ani. I just wanted to hug you cause i missed you so much." Luhan confessed. *Duk duk. Duk duk.* My heart started beating fast again and i could actually hear it. I didn't know what to do so i hugged him back and said that i missed him too. After a few minutes, Luhan broke the hug.

               "You know. I actually... Have something to tell you." Luhan said while looking down. "Really? What is it?" I asked. "Well..." Luhan slowly looked up and locked his eyes with mine. Omg. His gaze was intense yet soft at the same time. *Duk duk. Duk duk.* There goes my heart beat again. I was getting nervous and i could tell that Luhan was feeling the same way too. Seconds later, he spoke. "Well, i've been wanting to say this a long time ago. I'm just scared of how you'd react." I nodded, telling him to continue. "Ok. I... actually... Aish! Ok, i li-"

               Suddenly the school bell rang, interrupting Luhan. *What the... 1 hour has already past?! You must be freaking kidding me.* I secretly cursed the school bell. "Sigh... Guess i'll tell you some other time." Luhan smiled apologetically. "Hmm... Ok." I smiled in disappointment. Luhan then got up and opened the door for me. I quickly got up and went to him. Then we walked down and went to class together. *Aigoo. Why must the school bell ring right in the middle of what he wanted to say? Tsk.* I cursed the school bell again.

               However, little did they know, someone was watching them from afar. *I'll make sure Mirae's mine.*

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