Break Up

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Mirae's POV

               "I'm going out now." I said as I closed the front door. *Sigh* Things are really not going well between me and Luhan. We haven't really been talking much to each other the past few days. I'm really scared since our relationship is at risk. Not only me but L oppa and Serri also said that Luhan's been acting different recently. We really have to talk things out.

               "Ok, class. That's all for today." said Mr Song as the class stood up and bowed. It's recess now so as usual, at the table there's L oppa, Serri, Luhan and I. The couple minding their own business as they chatted happily while its dead silence between Luhan and I. ** I thought as I bit the fork. "Hey, you know you two are really different recently. Did something happen between you two?" L oppa spoke breaking the silence.

               "Eh? Ani. Nothing's wrong. We just... Don't have anything to talk about." I said hesitantly. "Really?" L oppa raised his eyebrows. I took a glance at Luhan before I answered, "Really." L oppa shrugged his shoulders and continued talking to Serri. I know L oppa knew I there was something wrong but decided not to question us any further. I looked at Luhan but he just kept hunging his head low. *We really need to talk.*

               Time passes by fast and school ended. "Alright, we'll see you guys tomorrow." L oppa said as he and Serri went the other way. So it's left the two of us and it was dead silent again. Soon enough, we reached the front gates of my house. "See you tomorrow. Jalja." Luhan said taking only a glance at me as he turned around. "Luhan." I said his name and Luhan stopped walking but didn't turn around. "What's wrong with you? Why have you been distancing yourself from me?" I asked softly as I stepped forward and stood right behind him.

               Luhan stayed silent and didn't even turn around. "Did I do something wrong?" I continued. "Luhan, say something-" "Stop it. Let's just talk tomorrow." He finally spoke. He was about to walk but I stopped him by grabbing his shoulders. "Luhan, please. I really don't like the way you're acting." I said. "It's suffocating me." I added as a tear dropped. There was a long pause when he finally spoke. "Then end what's suffocating you." I looked at him in confusion.

               "Let's break up."

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