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Note: Starting from this chapter onwards, there'll be different POV's. 

Luhan's POV

               Dodge ball was fun. However, throughout the game, Mirae stood at one corner. Its interesting how she could even still not get hit or aimed at. Suddenly, the ball flew over to Mirae and since she wasn't paying attention, she got hit. On the head though and i knew the impact was hard cause the ball made a sound when it hit her head.

               Everyone gasped and the next thing i knew, Mirae was already on the floor. I looked at the culprit who threw the ball. It was actually that girl from just now. What was her name? Serene? Sori? Ah, whatever her name was. Anyways, it was her. The irritating part was that, she had "victory" written all over her face. Pfft. Anyways, i quickly went to Mirae and tried to wake her up by repeatedly tapping her cheeks.

               "Yah, Mirae ah. Wake up!" *No response*. "Aish!" I then carried her in my arms and told the teacher that i'll bring her to the sickbay. When i reached the sickbay, i told the nurse what happened. "Ah, lay her down on the bed." The nurse instructed. I nodded and did as i was told. The nurse then proceeded to check her. After a few minutes the nurse turned to look at me. "She's fine. She just needs some rest. Did she have her lunch already?" The nurse asked. "Not yet." I answered. "Ah, then give her something to eat when she wakes up." The nurse instructed and then left. I then took a seat right beside the bed. "Aigoo..." I sighed as i stroked Mirae's hair. *She looks so pretty even when she's sleeping.* I thought as i admired her face.

Mirae's POV

               "Ow..." I groaned as i felt the pain on my head. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the ceiling. *Where am i?* I sat up and looked around. No one's around. Right at that moment, the door opened and Luhan stepped in. "Oh? U're awake." He said as he took a seat beside the bed. "Yeah. What happened?" I asked. "Well, that Suri threw the ball which hit your head." Luhan stated. "You mean, Serri." I corrected him. "Yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes. I just smiled at his annoyance.

               "Here." Luhan handed me a packet of cream bun. "The nurse said to give you something to eat when you wake up." He informed and i just nodded my head and ate the bun. "Its nice." I smiled. "Aigoo, how could you faint so easily huh? You got me worried you know." Luhan pouted. "I'm sorry. The impact was just hard." I rubbed my head in embarassment. Luhan just shook his head in amusement. After i finished eating. Luhan called for the nurse to check on me again. Once i got cleared, we left the sickbay. "Woah." I stumbled a little while walking. "Aigoo, walk slowly. I'll hold you so you won't fall." He said as he held my arms. Then my heartbeat started racing again. *Omg. Not now heart. I don't want to faint again.* "What's wrong?" Luhan asked. "Oh? Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong." I smiled. We then walked home together.

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