Mutual Feelings?

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Mrs Jang's POV

               Its about 12:15 pm now and the meeting had just ended. So now i'm on my way home in the car. While driving, i called Mirae to check if everything's fine. "The mobile customer is not available. Please leave a message after this tone." *Aigoo. Did she turn off her phone?* Soon enough, i reached home. I entered the password and unlocked the door.

               "Mirae? Luhan? Where are you?" I called out to the two teenagers. The house is so quiet. *Did they went out?* I thought when i suddenly heard some noise from the living room. I entered the living room to see the tv was on and then... There they are. Sleeping on the couch. Snuggling together. *Aigoo, these two...* I thought as i quickly snapped a picture of them. I then turned off the dvd and left quietly. I turned around and couldn't help but smile at how cute they both are. *They must be having sweet dreams right now. Hehe.* I giggled at my thought and went up to my room.

Mirae's POV

               My eyes fluttered open and saw that the tv was off. I tried to lift up my head when i felt a weight on top of it. I looked up slowly to see Luhan sleeping. *He's sleeping. How cute.*

               I then sat up slowly which made Luhan's head fall on my right shoulder. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started to race and i started to blush. Never have i got so close to Luhan like this before. I mean, we did when we were young. But that's the point. We were young. I then looked down at the sleeping Luhan. *He looks so cute like a harmless deer.* I giggled at my thoughts and i started playing with his hair. *So soft and bouncy.* I thought as i played with his hair.

               "Oh, Mirae. You're awake." I flinched as i heard mum's voice. "Oh, eomma. Yeah, i'm awake." I smiled sheepishly. "Mhmm. But Luhan isn't. He looks quite comfortable resting on your shoulder." Mum teased. "W-what?" I blushed slightly. "Hehehe. You like, Luhan don't you?" Mum asked. I was caught off guard by her question and just stayed quiet. *Do i really have feelings for Luhan?* I asked myself in my head. "Why don't you let him sleep on sofa? He looks quite tired." Mum said. "Oh, araso." I said as i gently pushed Luhan down to make him lie on the sofa comfortably. Luhan then shifted a bit as he continued sleeping. I then left the living room together with mum quietly.

Luhan's POV

               I opened my eyes cautiously as i heard them leave. *Whew* To be honest, i was awake throughout the whole conversation. I wanted to open my eyes too but then decided to act like i was still asleep as i heard Mrs Jang asked Mirae, "You like Luhan don't you?" I swear i felt Mirae tensed up by that question. My heart felt as though it was about to burst as i waited for her answer. However, to my disappointment, she stayed silent. Then i felt her gently pushing me down to let me rest comfortably on the sofa. Yeah, that made my insides turn upside down. Hehehe. I then decided to go out of the living room.

               As soon as i stepped out of the living room, Mirae was standing right in front of me. "Oh, Luhan. You're awake. I was going to check on you." She said as she looked away. *Is she feeling shy? And is she blushing or is it just my imagination??* I thought as i looked at her. Mirae must've noticed as she quickly moved out of the way. That's when Mrs Jang appeared.

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