Drifting Apart

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Mirae's POV

               Its been 3 days since that "incident" and i had been ignoring Luhan all the time. Whenever he asks, "Are you ok?" I'd just nod my head and he would just sigh with my response. I know its mean but i'm just upset and angry with him. Finally, the last period ended and its time to go home.

               "Hey, Mirae. Are you sure you're ok? Talk to me. Please." Luhan stopped me as i was about to leave. I sighed and turned around to look at him. "I told you i'm fine, Luhan." "No, you're not. I'm really sorry for my actions that day. Please don't be like this..." Luhan sighed and looked down at the ground. *Mirae, forgive him. He's your bestfriend and he said he's sorry.* *No no! Don't forgive him, yet. He needs to do alot more than this. He played with your feelings!* Both the "angel" and "devil" of me spoke. I was about to say something when someone called out to me.

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               "Oh, L oppa." I said as L went to my side. "Hey. Oh, hey there Luhan." He smirked. Then there was a short pause and i noticed them exchanging glares. *Ok, what is going on?* Then i decided to break the silence. "Ok, i'm leaving." I said as i turned around to leave. "Hey, let's go home together." L said as he followed behind.

               "Together?" Luhan suddenly voiced out. Both L and i turned around to look at Luhan. "Yeah. We're neighbors. Don't you know that?" L chuckled. "Ani. Mirae didn't tell me anything..." Luhan spoke softly as he looked down at the ground with disappointment. *Pang* I felt a heavy load of guilt on me.

               "Well, i'll go now then. See you guys tomorrow." Luhan said. Before he left, he looked at me in the eyes and i could see sadness and disappointment in his. He then turned around to leave and i was about to call out to him when L prevented me. "Leave him alone. He needs some time to himself." L said as he looked back at Luhan. "But-" "Its ok. You can talk to him tomorrow." L smiled and gave me a reassuring pat on my shoulder. I just sighed and could only stare at Luhan leaving.

Luhan's POV

               Mirae had been ignoring me these days and i know she's still upset with me despite saying that she's fine. Finally its the end of the last period and Mirae was already packing her stuffs. As she was about to leave, i stopped her.

               "Hey, Mirae. Are you sure you're ok? Talk to me. Please." I said. She then turned around to look at me and said, "I told you i'm fine, Luhan." Which i then said, "No, you're not. I'm really sorry for my actions that day. Please don't be like this..." Its really been hard and torturous for me not being able to talk to her. She was about to say something when someone called out to her. Turns out, it was Myungsoo. Pfft.

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               "Oh, L oppa." *Mwo?! L OPPA? Since when had they gotten so close???* "Hey. Oh, hey there Luhan." He smirked. I seriouly felt like punching him in the face to wipe out that smirk of his but i didn't wanna make a scene. So, i just glared at him and he did the same. I guess Mirae noticed it and decided to break the silence. "Ok, i'm leaving." She said as she turned around to leave.

               "Hey, let's go home together." L said as he followed Mirae. *Wait, what? Go home. Together? Just wth is going on here?* "Together?" I voiced out which caused the both of them to turn around. "Yeah. We're neighbors. Don't you know that?" L chuckled. *Why, you asdfghjkl!* "Ani. Mirae didn't tell me anything..." I said in disappointment. How could she not tell me about this? I mean, its Myungsoo we're talking here.

               "Well, i'll go now then. See you guys tomorrow." I said as i didn't wanna get disappointed any further. Before i left, i made eye contact with Mirae. A few seconds after that, i turned around and left. 

               *Nothing's changed between us... Right, Mirae?*

So what do u guys think? What's gonna happen between Mirae and Luhan?

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