Unexpected Guest

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Mirae's POV

               Finally it's recess time. I am so hungry. I turn to my side to find Luhan still scribbling notes on his notebook. *Aigoo, this guy...* "Luhan, palli. I'm hungry." I said while rubbing my tummy with a pout. "Wait wait, just a few words left." He said as he wrote faster. "Ok, done! Kaja." He stood up and held his hand out. I smile and took his hand. When we entered the cafeteria, everyone was looking at us while whispering things to each other.

               "You know, it's kinda creepy when everyone's looking." I said as we sat down. "I know but i think we will get use to it soon. Just bear with it for now. Let's eat." Luhan said as he began eating. I was about to eat my sandwich when someone suddenly took a seat beside me. "Hey there. Don't mind if i sit here?" L oppa said casually. I smiled and shook my head. "Well, i do." Luhan said while glaring at him. "Oh, really?" L oppa looked at Luhan then me while raising his right eyebrow. I quickly looked at Luhan and mouthed the words 'not now' and then smiled at L oppa. Luhan sighed in defeat and continued eating.

               "So, how are you lately?" L oppa started a conversation with me. "Hmm? Well, fine i guess." I answered with an awkward smile. "Really? You're fine with all these stares you receive from others?" He smirked. "It's none of your business." Luhan suddenly spoke as he glared at him. "Luhan." I said with a firm tone. Luhan just rolled his eyes and continued 'stabbing' his food. "I get it, i get it. I shall not disturb you two." L oppa chuckled as he stood up to leave. "But-" "It's ok. We can talk later since we're neighbors. See ya." L oppa said as he emphasized the word 'neighbors'. I heard a low growl from Luhan which made L oppa smirk before he left.

               "Luhan." I said as i turned to look at him with a poker face on. "What? He was disturbing us. So annoying." He said as he ate. "I know but you should at least have manners." I countered. "Whatever." Luhan replied and just continued eating.

Luhan's POV

               "You know, it's kinda creepy when everyone's looking." Mirae said as we sat down. "I know but i think we will get use to it soon. Just bear with it for now. Let's eat." I said as i began eating. It was peaceful until i felt someone sitting down at our table. I looked up to see that annoying human sitting beside Mirae. *What is he doing here?* I thought as i gave him glares. "Hey there. Don't mind if i sit here?" He said casually. I saw Mirae shaking her head while smiling at him. *What is she doing???* I stared in disbelief. "Well, i do." I said quickly as i glared at him. "Oh, really?" He looked at me and then Mirae while raising his right eyebrow. Mirae then looked at me and mouthed the words 'not now' then turned back and smiled at Myungsoo. *How can she- Urgh* I sighed in defeat and focused on my food.

               "So, how are you lately?" He started. "Hmm? Well, fine i guess." I heard Mirae answered. "Really? You're fine with all these stares you receive from others?" *Why this son of a- It's none of his business!* "It's none of your business." I spoke up which made them both look at me. "Luhan." Mirae said with a firm tone. *Now she's taking his side? Pfft.* I rolled my eyes and continued 'killing' my food. "I get it, i get it. I shall not disturb you two." *FINALLY he gets it.* "But-" "It's ok. We can talk later since we're neighbours. See ya." He said while emphasizing the word 'neighbors'. *Why this ugly dog. Trying to test my patience.* I thought as i made a low growl. He smirk at me and left. *I'll get him later.*

               "Luhan." Mirae said as she looked at me with her poker face. "What? He was disturbing us. So annoying." I said while eating. "I know but you should at least have manners." She countered. *Manners? You should be saying that to him. Pfft.* "Whatever." I said and kept quiet as i didn't want to argue with her over this useless subject.

Mirae's POV

               We were finally dimissed from school and walking home together. However, we did'nt even speak a word to each other. Just walked silently side by side. I could tell that Luhan was still pissed off with L oppa and also mad at me for what occured just now. I know he wanted to shoo L oppa away but he was a bit rude to him. Then i figured i was being a little harsh on Luhan too.

               "Luhan." I said, breaking the silence. *No response* "Yah, Luhan." I said the second time but he kept on walking. *Is he deaf? Tsk.* "Oppa!" I said as i tugged on his sleeves. That made him stop walking and turn to look at me with his pokerface. "I'm sorry ok. I know i was being a little harsh on you just now..." I said as i looked down and pouted. "I'm really sorry." I said and looked up. He then shook his head slowly while tapping his finger on his lips. *Ah, i get it.*

               "There. Forgive me now?" I said after a gave him a peck on his lips. Luhan then glared at me. "What? You wanted a kiss right? So i-" My sentence got cut as Luhan suddenly pulled me closer by the waist and quickly placed his lips on mine. He started to move his lips gently against mine as i slowly melted into the kiss. The kiss lasted for about 2 minutes before he broke it. "That's how i wanted it. Now you're forgiven." He said with a playful smirk on his face. I gave him a soft punch and continued walking quickly. *Aigoo, i can feel my face burning. This is all his fault. Tsk.*

Luhan's POV

               "Aigoo~ She was so cute just now." I said dreamily as i moved around my bed happily. *And she called me oppa too. Omo~* I was too happy that i started dancing around randomly. "Luhan dinner is- Omo. What are you doing?" I turned around to see my mum standing by the door looking at me with an amused face. "Oh, ma." I smiled in embarrassment. "Come on down. Dinner's ready. You can continue with what you were doing later." Mum flashed an amused smile and went down. *Aigoo, so embarrassing. This is all Mirae's fault. Tsk.* I chuckled and went down.

Mirae's POV

               The scene kept rewinding in my head that i was distracted from my dinner. "Mirae dear, quit staring at your food and start eating before it gets cold." Mum said, interrupting my thoughts. "Oh? Araso..." I snapped out of my thoughts and started eating. "What were you thinking about?" Mum suddenly asked. "Eh? Well, nothing. Was just thinking about... School." I lied in hopes that mum would buy it. "Right... Since when did school make you so happy?" Mum said as she chuckled. "Eh? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. "You were smiling. I never knew school would be that fun for you unless something else happened." Mum said with an amused smile on her face. *Aish, eomma knows me too well. Aigoo.* I looked down in embarrassment and continued eating.

               I was washing the plates when i heard the doorbell ring. "Eomma, someone's at the door!" I called out to mum but there was no response. *Maybe she's in her room. Aigoo.* I washed the plate quickly and went to the door. "Sorry, i was washing the....plates..." I can't believe she still dared to show herself after all these years.


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