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                "Ok, so make sure to hand up this assignment tomorrow." Just then, the school bell rang. "Oh, just in time. Ok, that is all for today. You may be dismissed." With that, the whole class stood up and thanked the teacher. "Finally we can go back home." Luhan said while stretching his arms. We then left the school together.

               "So, when did you reach here?" I started a convo. "About a week ago." Luhan smiled. "And you didn't tell me?" I gave a shocked face. "Well, my mum did tell your mum. I didn't tell you cause i wanted to surprise you. Which i did." Luhan smiled proudly. "Aish. You seriously..." I punched him playfully on the shoulder. "Ah, right! Bubble tea!" Luhan snapped his fingers as he remember what i said earlier. "Aish, i thought you'd forget about that." I sighed. Luhan just stuck out his tongue.


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                "Fine, let's go look for it." I gave in. "Yes!" I chuckled at his childishness.

               After looking around the area, we finally found one. Luhan's eyes sparkled in excitement and immediately bought bubble tea for himself. "Mirae ah, would you want one?" Luhan asked before paying for his drink. "Ani." I shook my head. "Araso." Luhan nodded. "Mmm. This is heaven." Luhan said as he took a sip of his bubble tea. "Here, drink some." He handed his drink to me and i took a sip of it. "Not bad." I said. Luhan just smiled and drank his bubble tea happily.

               Finally we reached my house. "Well, i better get going now." Luhan said. "Wait, you should come in for awhile. I'm sure my mum would be happy to see you." I smiled. "Ani. I'd come visit with my mum tomorrow." Luhan said. "Ah, araso. See you tomorrow then. Jalja." I waved. Luhan waved back and left. "I'm home mum~" I said as i entered. "Oh, you're back. So how was school?" She asked as she took my school bag. "It's fine and why didn't you tell me that Luhan and Mrs Lu is in Korea?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, well Luhan said he'd tell you himself. Therefore i didn't tell you. So did you meet Luhan then?" She asked curiously.

               "Yeah, i sure did. He sent me home just now." I smiled. "Mhmm. You like it don't you?" Mum nudged me playfully. "What? Well, i missed him. So yeah." I said. "Well, that's not exactly what i meant but... Nevermind." Mum shook her head amused. I just stood there in confusion. "Well i'll... Be in my room then." I told her as i went upstairs. After i had a cool bath, i changed into my pajamas and jumped onto the bed. "Hmm... Let's see..." I said as i scrolled down a fashion blog.

               Suddenly, i heard mum calling for me from downstairs. "Yes, mum?" I asked as i entered the living room. "Could you send this to the neighbour next door?" Mum said as she handed me a fruit basket. "And make sure to greet them politely." She added. "Araso, eomma." I said as i left. *Ding dong* The doorbell rang as i pressed it. *No response* I pressed the bell a few more times but nobody opened the door. *Hmm, maybe they went out? Shall just tell mum they're not home then.* I sighed as i turned around to leave. Suddenly, the door clicked open. "Yes?" *That voice...* "You!" I turned around and was shocked to see someone unexpected.

               Kim Myungsoo.

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