First Date

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Mirae's POV

               I'm already up and i'm just staring at my ceiling while scenes from yesterday flashed back into my mind. My fingers traced my lips unconsciously as the part when Luhan kissed me flashed by. *His lips were so soft...* I then smiled and slapped my cheeks repeatedly as i blushed. Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

Luhan: Morning, Mirae. (:

               *Omona. Its Luhan. Teehee.* I started to get butterflies in my stomach as i replied his text message.

Mirae: Morning, Luhan. (:

               I rolled around my bed excitedly as i waited for his reply. A few minutes later, i got his reply.

Luhan: Did u sleep well yesterday?

Mirae: I sure did. ^^* How abt u?

Luhan: I did too! I dreamt of u. ;) ㅋㅋ!

Mirae: Really? U should tell me abt it!

Luhan: I will. (: Hey, go get ready. Imma take u out. ;) ㅋㅋ

Mirae: Where r u taking me to? ㅋㅋㅋ

Luhan: U'll noe later. Now go get ready. I'll b there in 20 mins. C u. :*

               I chuckled at his last reply and quickly got ready. *Ok, i've only got 20 minutes. What to wear, what to wear?? Omgg.* After ransacking through my wardrobe, i finally chose to wear something cute and simple.

               After touching up my hair and makeup, i went down to the hallway to wait for Luhan. "My my. Where's is my pretty daughter going to on a Sunday morning?" Mum asked as she saw me skipping down the stairs. "I'm going out with-" *Ding dong!* I was cutted off by the ringing of the doorbell. I quickly went to open the door, revealing a smiley Luhan at the doorstep. This was what Luhan's wearing.

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               "Morning, Mirae." Luhan greeted shyly while blushing. "Morning." I greeted back and had a blush on my face too. "Hmm. I can sense something going on here." Mum raised her eyebrows teasingly. "Mrs Jang, would you give me the permission to date your daughter?" Luhan asked formally. I could just blush at his actions. Mum looked at us teasingly before answering, "Of course i allow you too. In fact, i've been waiting for this day to come!" Mum smiled widely. Luhan smiled in relief.

               "Well then. We'll take our leave now." Luhan took my hand and gently pulled me out. "Of course, of course. Enjoy your date! Make sure you send my daughter home before midnight!" Mum shouted out. "I will, Mrs Jang!" Luhan replied back. He then looked at me and we giggled together. We were walking down the streets, hand in hand. I can't believe that Luhan, who's been my best friend for about 10 years, finally became my boyfriend.

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