Baby, Don't Cry

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Luhan's POV

               I was feeling quite disappointed about what happened just now. So many things happened between us lately. I figured i needed some fresh air to clear my mind so here i am wandering around the park. I then sat down and leaned against a tree. Eventually my eyes felt heavy and i slowly fell asleep.

               "Luhan! Yah, wake up!" I was woken up by a familiar voice. *Mirae?* I opened my eyes slowly to see who it was.

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               "Luhan, gwenchana?" I stared at Mirae who was kneeling in front of me. "Mirae? What are you doing here?" I asked as i slowly sat up. "What am i doing here? I should be asking you that! Why didn't you go home? You got me so worried!" she said with a frown. "I'm fine. Just leave me alone." I said as i shut my eyes again. " Do you know you got me so worried? After the incident in school and now this. What's wrong with you, Luhan?" she said with a sigh. "What's wrong with me? I should be asking you that. You're always with Myungsoo since that library incident. Have you gotten bored of me already?" I finally said what i wanted to.

               I can tell Mirae felt a little at guilt by the look of her face. "Luhan, it's not like that. Have can you say that? Do you not trust me? Further more, you know that he's just a friend to me." she replied while looking down. Now i was the one feeling guilty for not trusting her more. I heard her sigh before she got up. "Fine, i'll leave you alone for now." she said without looking at me and turned around. *Sigh, Luhan. What is wrong with you?*

Mirae's POV

               I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying. How could he not trust me? I slumped down on a bench nearby. Suddenly i felt my cheeks getting wet. I was crying. Eventually i couldn't hold back my tears any longer and decided to let it flow. I was crying so badly and covered my face with my palms. It just hurts to think about everything that happened lately. Suddenly, out of nowhere, i felt a familiar pair of arms wrapping themselves around me.

               I lifted my head and found Luhan hugging me. "Luhan-" "Shh. Just cry. I'm here." he cooed as he stroke my hair gently. "I'm so sorry. I was just so jealous and angry when i saw you with Myungsoo the other day in the library." he confessed. "I didn't mean to hurt you and make you cry like this." he added as he tightened the hug. "Stop crying. I hate to see you like this." he broke the hug and looked at me. "Don't cry anymore." he gave a small smile and wiped my tears. "I'm sorry i made you cry like this." he said and looked down making me smile at his action.

               "Gwenchana. Just promise me you won't do that anymore." i said as i hugged him. "I promise. You promise me too. Don't hang out too often with that Myungsoo again." he warned. "Araso. I promise." I replied with a small giggle. "Ah, gwenchana? You got a few bruises on your face." i asked as i touched his face. "Gwenchana." he smiled and touched my hand that was stroking his face. 

               "His punches weren't that strong anyways." he added. "Aish, chincha." i rolled my eyes at his comment.

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