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                "Ok, I'll end today's lesson here." said Mr Lee. As he got up, everyone else did and thanked him. After that, the bell rang and I quickly left the classroom. Just as I went out off the classroom, I bumped into someone. "Oh, oppa annyeong!" Mirae greeted. "Ah, Mirae." "Where are you headed to? Not going to the canteen?" she asked as she looked at me head to toe. "Yeah, I'll join you guys later. I have to meet someone first. See ya!" I said and walked off quickly before she could say anything.

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               *Where is she?* I thought as there was no sign of Serri by the fountain. I was about to text her when she came as she called out to me. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed to take down some notes." she reasoned. "Ani, gwaenchana. I just got her not too long ago." I smiled. "Ah, here. This is yours." I said as I handed her over her bracelet. "Gomawo!" she took it happily and wore it around her right wrist.

               "That bracelet is pretty." I commented. "Yeah, it is. It is very special to me too." she smiled as she glided her finger on the it. "Why is that so?" I asked in curiosity. "Well, it was a gift from someone I loved dearly." she answered with a small giggle. "Ah... I see." I answered. Somehow, my heart dropped when she said 'someone I loved dearly'. "Well, I'll have to go now. Mirae and Luhan are waiting for me." I excused myself and smiled at her before walking away.

               "Ah, there you are! Took you sometime." Mirae chuckled as I joined her and Luhan at the table. "So, how did it go?" Mirae asked as she scooted closer to me. "Yah yah. You're getting too close." Luhan said as he widened the space between Mirae and I. "Aigoo.. So so?" she asked again with anticipation. "I don't understand what you're talking about." I said in an attempt to avoid her question. "Aish, you want me to say it out clearly? Fine. How was your short date with Serri?" she smirked. *Aigoo, this girl.* "What do you mean date? We just met so I could return her her bracelet. That's all." I stated as I took a sip of my drink.

               "Then? How do you find her? You like her don't you?" she probed deeper. "Pfft! Mwo? No, I don't!" her probing made me spit some of my drink out. "Ayeeee. Don't lie." she sneered as she looked away and continued eating. *Do I like her...?* I thought as I took another sip.

Luhan's POV

               Today is a Saturday and since Mirae is already free from training, I decided to bring her out on a date. It has been long since we last went out on a date. Hehe. So, here I am, on the way to Mirae's place early in the morning. I told her we would be meeting at the train station at 12pm however I decided to come 2 hours earlier (p.s: He actually got too excited for the date that he woke up too early and decided to come early. Kekeke.)

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