I love you will you marry me (♥ pt 19 fan fic♥)

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The house was ornately fashioned and had loads of wooden crosses on the walls and pictures of Dom and his sister scaling the walls. "wow look my dad hasn't turned my room into an actual shrine to Jesus yet" Dom sarcastically remarked "so this is my room the bathroom is right down the corridor" he explained "okay cool" I replied "so how long are we gonna be here" I asked Dom threw the suitcases on to his bed "three to four days" he responded I nodded in agreement "oh yeah so tomorrow we are going swimming with my sisters then today after dinner we are going bowling and on Sunday we are going to church and finally you need to get changed in slightly formal clothes before dinner it's a silly rule" I quickly ran into the bathroom I felt as if I was going to be sick "hey are you good" dom asked "im fine I just need to sleep"i responded while wiping the fresh vomit from my face. 

"HEIDI" I heard doms mums voice screech "have you got any dietary requirements "none at all" I replied chirply "okay love" she said wandering further away from the stairs I walked back into doms room I saw him lying down scrolling through his phone "hey babe" he stated having not moved "oh heidi you have gone pale and your glistening" he said wearily "oh my god im fine" I replied while clutching a lavender dress in my hands "not that one that's your church dress" dom explained while he handed me a pale blue dress which was just above my knees "there you go"he reassured me "you are going to look stunning" he said while wrapping his arms around me. 

It was a few hours after dinner and we were driving back from bowling "hey dom can we stop of at the shops" I asked "i really want a mars bar" I added "sure but only if we can go to the doctors im a bit worried about how you were vomiting earlier" I felt as if I was getting extremely light headed "okay then but that means a mars bar and a milkyway"i bargained,dom gave me a small grin "sure love but we are going to the doctors first"he reassured me. I was sat there in the cream waiting room with green accents dom was sat next to me grasping my hand lightly but everytime a nurse walked in the room i would hold his hand tighter and tighter "miss lee please can you follow me"a doctor stated I stood up and dom was trailing along behind me.when we got into the office I sat down and he asked "okay then so what seems to be the problem" dom looked at the doctor and back at me "so I was vomiting today and I was apparently really pale and clammy and my head really hurt at the time so dom got worried and asked me to come to the doctor" the doctor wrote all of that down on his board "okay then heidi we need to take some blood and a urine sample" he asked. 

It was the next day and dom was eagerly awaiting the test results "babe come on we are going swimming in half an hour" I reminded him "yeah,yeah hides do you mind shoving my trunks in your bag" he asked "hey baby whats wrong you seem really out of it" I asked dom turned around slowly to face me "yeah im fine" he said weakly "okay then" I said while brushing my hands through his hair. 

When we got to the pool I was wearing a pale yellow one piece swimming costume and dom was wearing bright pink swimming trunks the clorinated pool smell filled my nostrils "hey hides the phone is ringing" dom yelled from the pool I was still holding my towel I went to pick up the phone to see it was the doctors "hello is this heidi lee?" a female voice said "yes this is she" I said nervously "okay so we got your results from your urine sample we would like to tell you that you are pregnant-" I felt my jaw drop as my phone fell out of my hand and on to the floor shattering around my bare feet. 

I slowly walked into the pool and towards dom who was splashing his sisters with water "dom,dom I have something to tell you quickly just meet me at the bottom of the water slide in three minutes"i whimpered "hey is everything okay" I nodded and walked out of the pool and towards the slide,my palms began to sweat while I was anxiously google searching what I could do and if it was safe to go on a water slide when you just find out your pregnant dom walked towards me "whats up" he asked "umm,im-im Pregnant" I said while anticipating and mentally preparing myself for his response. 

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