Chapter 31: Slithor, the snake man!

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"Dodge!" Naruto heard Sasuke shout as a flurry of shuriken flew at the blond, currently Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were in a team spar against Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji. Even though each member of team 7 was more than likely stronger than their team 9 counterparts, but the InoShikaCho trio had impeccable teamwork skills.

"Thanks." Naruto said as he dodged a kick from Ino, only to jump in the way of Choji's giant fist smacking him to the ground. "Ow." He rubbed his head.

"Katon: Grand Fireball!" Shikamaru shot a giant fireball towards Sasuke, who responded with his own Grand Fireball jutsu, the two attacks cancelling out.

"Katon: Fire Dragon!" Sasuke called out, making a dragon of fire that flew towards Shikamaru.

"Suiton: Water Dragon!" Ino called out, the two dragons destroyed each other, making a large cloud of smoke.

"Sakura, Naruto on me!" Sasuke called out, his Sharingan allowed him to see through the smoke easily.

"No way I'm gonna pass on the opportunity to take out Choji." Naruto called out, running through the smoke towards the last location of the Akimichi heir. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto yelled, making a shadow clone. "WOAH!" Shikamaru had stuck his foot out, knowing exactly where Naruto was, and caused the blond to trip and fly towards Choji.

"Partial Expansion Jutsu!" Choji yelled, punching Naruto in the face, only for a loud poof to be heard.

"Fuuton: Wind Wall!" Naruto yelled out, making a circle of wind around him that caused the smoke to dissipate.

"Doton: Rock Wall!" Choji yelled, making a wall of earth around Naruto's wall of wind.

"LET ME OUT!" Naruto screamed.

"Suiton: Water Dragon!" Ino called out, sending a water dragon towards Sakura.

"Nice try Ino!" Sakura yelled out, "Suiton: Aquatic Separation!" the pinkette yelled out, causing the dragon to fly apart. 'That was taxing, I see what Kakashi-sensei means about my reserves.' She thought as she dodged a kunai from Ino.

"LET ME OUT!" NAruto shouted again, the stone circle began cracking.

Sasuke and Choji had begun to have a taijutsu spar, the larger boy throwing a powerful punch towards Sasuke, who was forced to dodge, right into Choji's powerful knee. "Partial Expansion Jutsu!" Choji yelled, his left hand growing extremely large as he smashed the avenger into the ground, leaving Sasuke unconscious.

"Sasuke!" Sakura had noticed her teammate get knocked out and ran towards him, losing focus on Ino, who capitalised on that and flew towards the pinkette, a powerful knee and then an axe-kick was all it took for Sakura to join Sasuke in unconsciousness.

"DAMMIT!" Naruto screamed, "Fuuton: Great Whirlwind!" The jinchuuriki shouted, a huge gale of wind shattering his prison. "When I say let me out I mean it." He growled, not noticing that his teammates were knocked out.

"Shadow Bind." Shikamaru was in the exact same position as Naruto, who was now unable to control his movements.

"Partial Expansion Jutsu!" Choji yelled, making his right arm giant, and punching Naruto in the face.

"Suiton: Aquatic Barrage!" Ino shouted, a multitude of fists made from water smashing into Naruto, pummeling him into the ground.

"Katon: Flaming Swallows!" Shikamaru shouted as Naruto stood up, sending birds made from flames at Naruto, who barely dodged them.

"You guys are pushing it." Naruto said, trying to shock his opponents so he could get a good hit in, otherwise he would be defeated. He pulled Hi no Kitsune out of it's seal and placed it on his belt, unsheathing the blade as he held it facing Shikamaru.

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