Chapter 1: Gohan's Beginning

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Warning Chapters Are Short

This story starts a month after Cell's defeat. Gohan had been moping around at home, breezing through work that no twelve year old should be attempting, yet he made it seem easy. He needed something to take his mind off his father, who he had lost, at the hands of his cockyness, his stupidity. It was his fault that his dad, the strongest person he knew, his role model, the one he looked up to like no other, the one who had always believed in him, had died. He had screwed up, BAD. He knew no one blamed him, no one but himself.

"Gohan!" He was interrupted from his brooding by his mother, Chichi, probably yelling for him to come and eat. He ventured out of his room, still in the clothes from a few days ago, he had not cared to change, or even bathe for that matter. "Gohan, I want you to go outside, go find Icarus or something, just stop brooding, please." His mother pleaded.

"I'm going to finish my work first." Gohan showed no emotion in his voice. He had no emotion in his face either, even his hair looked down, no longer standing straight up like it normally did, it now looked more like a ramp, starting to climb, but the poking down.

"Gohan, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, disobey me right now." His mother said sternly, Gohan's expression remained.

"Why not, It's not like anything could stop me if I didn't want it to." Gohan said, a more bored than blank tone in his voice. Chichi was stunned, the thought of Gohan acting like this shocked her, he had always been so polite, but ever since that transformation to super saiyan two, he was more, unapproachable, especially since Goku decided not to come back.

"Gohan! Your father and I..." Chichi started, then stopped immediately when Gohan's hair flashed gold, he walked out the door without another word and flew off at speeds even Chichi's trained eye couldn't imagine seeing.

Gohan flew around in the clouds for a while, circling the planet a few times, before a thought came to his mind. 'I'll go and spar with Vegeta, that ought to keep my mind off dad for a while.' Gohan thought, 'Then I'll go apologize to mom.' and with that last thought Gohan pushed his power to the limit, without transforming. It was a signal Vegeta had made with him to signal that he needed a sparring partner. Vegeta arrived within minutes.

"So brat, you decided to take me up on my offer. I'm glad, show me the second level of super saiyan!" Vegeta said, still as cocky as ever.

"Gladly." Was Gohan's only reply, as he powered up to super saiyan, "But only if you prove that you can handle it." Gohan finished, even more cocky than Vegeta.

"Brat!" Vegeta yelled, flying at Gohan and trying to punch him, only to be met with thin air as Gohan had moved behind him, and then proceeded to elbow the prince in the back, sending him flying towards the ground, Vegeta stopped himself and powered up to super saiyan as well. He once again flew towards Gohan, enhanced speed and strength helping him to almost land a blow, but Gohan was still faster, once again disappearing before Vegeta could hit him.

Gohan was under Vegeta this time, and he grabbed the saiyan prince's leg and flung him towards the grassy area under them

After letting Vegeta fly for a few seconds, Gohan flew after him and landed next to the small crater the prince had made. Gohan looked at Vegeta's bruised form, standing in the crater, one arm pointed towards the young demi-saiyan.

"Big Bang ATTACK!" Vegeta shouted, a huge ball of molten ki forming and flying at Gohan, who put both hands above his head and formed his own attack.

"Masenko-HA!" Gohan moved his hands to face Vegeta's blast and shot out a yellow coloured ki beam that hit Vegeta's attack. The two techniques battled for dominance for a few minutes until Vegeta, using his other had thrown a second, albeit smaller, ki blast to help his own, and the two attacks exploded, sending both users flying away. Vegeta recovered a bit faster than Gohan and flew after him, phasing behind the child, Vegeta delivered a strong kick to the back, sending Gohan flying away, the prince on his tail.

Gohan stopped himself and braced for his opponent's strike, both arms over top one another, and taking Vegeta's punch full force. Gohan flew back a bit but not enough to give Vegeta an edge, phasing out of the way of Vegeta's next attack, Gohan kicked him in the back of the head, knocking him down to the ground once again, Gohan flew after him with no delay this time. Once they reached the ground Gohan flew at Vegeta and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him further again. Vegeta at this point was angry, He couldn't lay a finger on this brat, and said brat wasn't even using fifty percent of his full power. Vegeta exploded in anger, and charged Gohan once again, who side-stepped and kicked the enraged prince in the stomach, then elbowed him in the back, knocking him out of super saiyan, and consciousness.

Gohan shook Vegeta awake. Vegeta answered with a grumble, so Gohan grabbed him and flung him over his shoulder, flying off towards Capsule Corporation, where Bulma, Vegeta's wife, lived. Gohan dropped him off and headed towards his own house, taking the long way around the planet and flying slowly.

Gohan eventually reached home, seeing no lights on, he slipped in through his window and crawled into bed, he would wait for tomorrow until taking his punishment.

"GOHAN!" Gohan was awoken by the shrill screech of his mother, glowing red with anger, he would never forgive his father for teaching mom the Kaio-ken, she was standing in the door frame of his room. He shot upright.

"Mom, I'm very sorry, I was, no I am angry, and I couldn't find a proper way to release it. I'm willing to take my punishment. There is one thing I need to tell you first though."

"What... is... it!?" Chichi fumed as she spoke through gritted teeth, trying to not go and strangle her on;y, for now, son.

"I don't want to study so much anymore. I'm going to take dad's place and protect the planet." Gohan said, standing upright, not backing down from his mother, who's Kaio-ken was shaking the house, and probably the whole mountain they lived on.

"What!" Chichi exploded, causing Gohan to flinch a bit, he power actually causing him to get pushed back a bit. When Gohan opened his eyes, he saw his mother had collapsed due to strain from the Kaio-ken. He immediately grabbed her and flew off, breaking his window in the process, to Capsule Corp. to see if his mother was going to be alright. Bulma would know, right?

Arriving, Gohan didn't even register the secretary, he knew where to go. He ran right to Bulma's lab. Bulma had just arrived there too.

"Gohan, are you alright?" Bulma asked, seeing the shocked look on the young boy's face, then she looked down and saw Chichi. She rushed over, "Did she go overboard on the Kaio-ken again?"

"No, she only went to about X15, she does that easily, but this time she fainted, just before reaching it." Gohan explained.

"Bring her over here." Bulma walked over to an examining table, "I'll watch her, Vegeta wants to see you. Come back in an hour." Gohan nodded, walking out of the room, before he left Bulma added "Good luck, he's pissed." with a smile. Gohan groaned. This was probably going to end the same way as yesterday's spar.

Sure enough, Gohan had defeated Vegeta again, with little to no problem, again. He returned to Bulma's lab exactly an hour after when he left, and explained to Bulma why Vegeta was going to smell like shit, literally, for a while. Bulma giggled a bit at the story, then got more serious.

"Gohan, I've got some news about your mom." Bulma said solemnly, Gohan looked shocked, he thought that he was going to lose another parent so soon, and it was his fault again. "She's pregnant." Bulma finished, a smile plastered on her face. "She decided on the name Goten."

"Uhh..." Gohan couldn't make normal speech, he was ecstatic for the first time in a while. HE WAS GOING TO BE AN OLDER BROTHER!

So what did you think? Next chapter focuses on the Naruto aspect, and it will switch back and forth until the two universes meet. Leave a review please, I love those. Tell me what you liked and didn't like. And tell me if there is something I can improve on. Please please please.

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