Chapter 13: Gohan in the Forest of Death pt2

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"Crap we're in trouble." Gohan said, "Let's move, no more stopping." Gohan, Videl and Goten began running towards the center of the forest, making as little noise as possible.

"I can smell you!" They heard from behind them, looking back Gohan could see someone a little older than him, long, unkept hair flowing down his back. He was wearing traditional ninja's outfit, a vest, with an undershirt, and a pair of pants, that was all brown. "Lupus Revolting Claw!" He shouted, throwing his hands forwards in a slashing motion, sending waves of green chakra towards Videl.

"Move!" Gohan pushed her out of the way, taking the three blades head on. "Goten, Videl, get out of here, I'll catch up." Gohan ordered.

"No! Gohan we're not leaving you behind!" Goten yelled, stomping his foot. Gohan growled and looked at Goten, who nodded and said, "Fine, but if you die, I'll never forgive you." Goten grabbed Videl and jumped into the trees overhead.

"Ready?" Gohan's assailant asked, getting into a stance.

"Do I at least get your name?" Gohan asked, also moving into a stance.

"I am the Wolf constellation Lupus, but I prefer Rex." Rex answered, "And I am a part of Master Zodyak's plan to destroy the world."

"So, you're an actual constellation?" Gohan asks, blocking a kick from Rex.

"Sorta, I draw on power from the constellation Lupus, my Chakra is linked to the constellation because of Master Zodyak's abilities." Rex answers and dodges a kick from Gohan.

The two proceed to exchange blows until Rex takes a punch too hard and goes flying. "That hurt you know." He growled, "Lupus Star Cannon: Nine Star Shot!" He yelled, putting his hands together and forming nine balls of green energy in a circle. From each ball a beam came out, connecting to the middle of the circle. "FIRE!" Rex screamed, shooting the middle beam at Gohan.

Gohan tried to dodge, but couldn't and as a result his left arm was hit with the full force of the impact. 'I can't fight him properly any more, my only hope is the Kamehameha or the Masenko. I haven't been able to pull either off yet though.' He thought. With a grunt, he stood up and smirked, "My turn." Putting his right hand next to his hip and leaning to the right slightly he began to chant "Kaaa Meee, Haaa Meee, HA!" He screamed the last part and shot a blue beam of ki, though both parties believed it to be chakra, at Rex, who was too shocked to move. It hit Rex and Gohan stopped putting energy into the attack, when the smoke subsided, all that was left of Rex was an amulet Gohan hadn't seen. It was in the shape of a wolf. Gohan picked it up and put it around his neck. "Time to go catch up." He said to himself, smiling.

Goten and Videl were running away, after they had left Gohan a woman had began following them. It had been nearly thirty minutes and they were still running. Finally Videl had enough. "NO MORE RUNNING!" She yelled, stopping and dropping to the floor, "I'll fight you." She points to her follower, who had also dropped down. She had brown hair that flowed down to her mid-back, that had no hairs out of place. She wore a white blouse and a pair of brown pants. Her gold eyes unsettled Videl a little.

Goten stepped beside her, "Neither of us can beat her alone, I'll help." He said, flashing her a smile and going into a stance. "Who's ass do I have the honour of kicking?" He asked in a mock-formal tone.

"I am the Eagle constellation Aquila, though I prefer Juno." She said, flicking her head so her hair would ripple. When she flicked her head Goten noticed an amulet with an eagle on it around her neck.

Goten flew at Juno with a burst of speed, "Videl, let's get her!" He yelled, a smile plastered on his face as he exchanged blows with Juno, who merely moved her arms to block his attacks, making no moves to attack him.

"You got it Goten." Videl rushed towards Juno, one hand cocked back, "Katon: Flame Cloaked Fist!" She yelled, he hand becoming cloaked in fire, she attempted to punch Juno, only for a kick to land in her abdomen and send her flying back, "Goten move!" She yelled, taking a deep breath, "Katon: Grand Fireball!" She yelled as she exhaled, sending a fireball at Juno, who jumped away from Goten and put one hand forwards.

"Aquila Wing Guard!" Juno said, and around ten-dozen feathers came into existence, forming a shield that blocked the fireball, "Aquila Feather Blaster!" She yelled, flicking her wrist and sending the remaining feathers flying, Goten pushed Videl out of the way and took the attack head on, leaving him unconscious.

"Goten!" Videl cried out, falling to her knees.

Suddenly Gohan burst through the brush behind Juno, his eyes surveying the area, and landing upon Goten. "What did you do, to my BROTHER!?" He roared, the white energy from wave roaring around him, sending leaves and grass flying everywhere, "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" He yelled, causing lightning to crackle around him.

"I attacked him, he's still alive if that's your issue." Juno said, clearly no fear in her voice. "I see Rex got you, where is he now?" She asked, then she noticed the amulet around his neck, "Bastard, you killed him!" She spits and charges Gohan, who just yells and sent her flying away.

"You are going to join him soon enough." Gohan says, his normally black eyes now a lightning blue.

"Maybe, but I'll kill Videl if you take another step." Juno threatens, Gohan looks to see feathers surrounding Videl, ready to fly into her at any moment.

"Drop the feathers and I'll go with you." They hear a weak voice, Goten sits up, bleeding.

"Aquila feather Darts!" Juno yells, the feathers flying at Goten, who couldn't dodge them from his position and was pierced by all seven feathers.

Gohan screamed, his hair turning a gold colour, and the white energy that covered him changing to a yellow colour. He pointed his palm at Juno, "Die." He said, strangely calm, and a beam of blue energy, not quite as big as a Kamehameha, but still strong enough to kill her, the blast took off her head, and her body quickly crumbled to dust. Gohan picked up the amulet left behind and slipped it on next to Rex's. And then the flashback came. "ARGH!" He screamed.

Begin Flashback

Gohan was watching his five and a half year old self, standing there looking towards his father. Krillin had just been exploded by a short, white alien with a tail and purple spots on his head and shoulders. The white tail flicked behind the creature, a sick, sadistic smile on his face.

"Oh no, I killed a little dwarf." He said, Goku did nothing but stand there, golden energy flowing around him, his eyes changing from black to green, his hair flashing from black to gold.

"Frieza!" He yelled, the changes now permanent. "I will destroy you!"

"Ha, he's become a Super Saiyan." A weak Vegeta croaked in the background, a hole in his armour, right where his heart is, "Your only fear Frieza, it multiplies our power by fifty times." Vegeta laughed before a pink beam pierced his forehead.

End Flashback

"Gohan are you alright?" Goten asked, kneeling over his brother, "We did it Gohan, we passed!" Goten shouted excitedly.

"I'm fine Goten, where's Videl?" He asked weakly.

"She's talking to Yamato-sensei, I'll go tell them you're up." Goten rushed out of the room.

And that ends our chapter, I hope you all liked it, and I hope I did the transformation justice. If you have any questions then PM me or leave a review. Thanks for reading.

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