Chapter 39: First Stop, Kumogakure! Gohan confronts Ay!

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Gohan flew through the air, heading towards Kumogakure for his meeting with the Raikage, Ay. He had sent Percival -his lead Tiger summon- to request a meeting with the man nearly two weeks ago, and he had received the acceptance yesterday. He was dressed formally for the meeting, wearing a black haori, along with a white haori himo to tie it, he was wearing a hakama that was vertically striped white and black and he was also wearing black sandals. On the back of his haori, there was a symbol in a circle, the symbol read Son, as a reference to Gohan's family name, he had purposely left his headband at his current mountain home as he had been told that the Raikage, Ai, did not like other villages, so for all intents and purposes Son Gohan was a traveller.

He landed in the mountainous area, right in front of the main gate to the city, "Hello, I'm Son Gohan, I have a meeting with Raikage-sama, may I enter?" He called out.

The large gate opened,there were three ninja on the other side, the first was a dark skinned man with white hair and a goatee. On his right shoulder there was a tattoo of the kanji for iron, Tetsu and on his left cheek there was a tattoo of a bull's horn. He wore oval shaped sunglasses and a white forehead protector. He also wore a one strapped flak jacket, a red rope belt, and a white scarf. He also had the standard Kumo-nin wrist and shin guards, he also had eight swords on his back. To his left was a fair skinned man with short blond hair and black eyes. He wore a black sleeveless shirt with a white single strap flak jacket and black shinobi pants, he also had black, elbow-length forearm guards and the Kumo shin guards. His forehead protector was black. The third man was dark skinned with a bulbous nose and white hair. His shaggy white hair covered one of his black eyes. He wore a high collared, black, sleeveless shirt and black shinobi pants. He had the one strapped flak jacket like his comrades, and wore bandages on his wrist. On his right shoulder was the kanji for water and on his left was the kanji for lightning. He carried a large, cleaver like sword on his back.

"Son Gohan, My name is C, please come with me." The blond man said. Gohan walked up to the three and followed them through the city.

"Yo yo yo!" The man with the sunglasses said, making hand signs that Gohan didn't recognise, "The name's B ya fool and I ain't no tool!" The man rapped.

"Umm, nice to meet you B, I'm Gohan." The demi-Saiyan extended his hand awkwardly.

"Gohan eh, ya seem like a nice guy, but you're kinda shy!" B rapped again, grabbing Gohan's hand and pulling him in for a chest bump, which Gohan received very awkwardly.

"B, that's enough." C said.

"Aww come on C, let B have fun." The third man said, he sounded a little like Shikamaru with his lazy speech.

"Absolutely not Darui, I will not allow B to annoy Raikage-sama's guest." C scolded.

"Fine." Darui raised his hands in defeat, then placed them in his pocket and kept walking.

"It's alright, I don't mind." Gohan said.

"Ya C, don't be a tool, Killer B ain't no fool!" B rapped, then immediately took out a green notebook and began to write in it, smiling.

This kept going for about half an hour, until they arrived at a large mountain that had a blue building carved into the side.

"B, you stay out here, Darui and I will bring Gohan to see Raikage-sama." C said.

"Bye B." Gohan said, fist pumping the older man.

"Ey yo don't be shy, next time you show up we gon eat some pie!" B rapped.

"For sure." Gohan smiled.

"This way please." C said, holding open a large door, Gohan followed Darui threw, thanking C on his way in.

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