Chapter 29: Ninja Clash in Yuki No Kuni!

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So I was supposed to write this in last chapter, but I had it written before I read any of my reviews, so I'll do it here. Thank you very much to the Guest who reviewed on Chapter 27. Your review was amazing, and though I personally believe that I still need to work on the length of my chapters and the amount of detail I put in them, I'm honored that you think this story is 11/10. Also, as a side note, Gohan will not be appearing for a little while, so don't be shocked if you don't see him, he will be gone until the Shippuden part. And before we get to the chapter, I would like to apologise for the long wait, I've had a lot of things on my mind lately and a lot of tests and stuff coming up so it was hard to find time to do this.

Chapter 29: Ninja Clash in Yuki No Kuni!

"Ready to go Naruto?" Jiraiya asked, standing at the front gate.

"Yea, I guess." Naruto said, his voice still quivered, but not as much as yesterday. Both Naruto and Jiraiya were wearing their typical mission gear, but as a nextra they also both sported large red eyes, puffy from crying over the death of the man who had raised them.

Jiraiya took a scroll from his pocket, handing it to Naruto, "The old geezer wanted you to have this, I'm not sure what's in it, but I do know he left it for you." Jiraiya handed the scroll to Naruto, who took it and was about to unravel it. "Wait until we get to the hotel, I'll sit and guard the room while you open it."

"Alright Ero-Sennin." Naruto's usual chipper attitude breaking through for a bit as he began to run out of Konoha.

"Wait up." Jiraiya grumbled, rushing after the boy.

A few nights later, they finally reached a hotel, Naruto couldn't wait to open his scroll from Hiruzen, but Jiraiya wouldn't let him yet.

"Why the hell not Ero-Sennin?" Naruto yelled, it was a good thing Jiraiya had put up silence seals, or else they would be sleeping outside, again.

"Because Naruto, to get Tsunade, we'll need something as proof, and that letter is the proof, it'll probably burn once read, so I'll slap a seal on it while Tsunade reads it." Jiraiya explained.

"But I wanna know what the old man left me!" Naruto yelled, this wasn't fair, he was left a letter but he couldn't open the damned thing.

"I know, how's about I teach you a new Jutsu?" Jiraiya said, trying to change the subject.

"Which one?" Naruto asked, he wanted to read the scroll, but a new jutsu would suffice for now.

"How about, Shuriken Shadow Clone?" Jiraiya said, "It was one Sensei's favourite Jutsu."

"Alright!" Naruto shouted, he had seen the Old Man use that jutsu once or twice before, and he turned one shuriken into one thousand! Imagine what Naruto could do with his nearly inexhaustible chakra.

"Let's go outside and I'll teach you then." Jiraiya led Naruto outside, secretly taking the Third's scroll and placing it in his haori.

A few hours later Jiraiya came in without Naruto and closed the window behind him. "That kid's one hell of a work out, worse than his father." Jiraiya said, catching his breath. "Now, to send the scroll away." Jiraiya said, his face had contorted into a face that was so sad it was painful to look at. "Sorry Naruto, but I know what's in here, and you aren't ready." Jiraiya summoned a toad, "Hey Gamakichi, I need you to bring this to Mount Myoboku please."

Gamakichi nodded his head and went to grab the scroll, only for an invisible force to throw the scroll away, "I can't touch it Jiraiya." The young toad said.

"It's alright, you can go home if you want." Jiraiya said, dismissing the toad, who poofed away. "Now, what did you do to this sensei?" Jiraiya looked around the scroll for a seal, but he couldn't find one.

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