Chapter 32: The Embodiment of Death, Kai Tokuma!

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"Goten, get out of there!" Yamato shouted, the young demi-saiyan was currently fighting a strange blue skinned alien who had white hair [Google Frieza Soldier], but was not fairing too well as the older alien had much more experience, and an armor that allowed him resist Goten's Earth-based jutsu.

"Wait, I can win!" Goten shouted, he could handle this but he would have to go super saiyan, something that Vegeta and Gohan told him not to, at least not around any other Konoha-nin.

"No you can't fall back!" Yamato said as he shunshined behind one of the blue-skinned aliens and jabbed a kunai into his jugular, blood spurting everywhere as the soldier died. "Do as I say!" Yamato yelled as Goten was knocked away by a powerful punch.

"Sir, they are extremely skilled, even though their power levels are low, they're killing us left and right!" One of the blue soldiers said to the commander, a tall man who had lion like features -a golden mane with gold fur covering his visible skin with an elongated snout and teeth that made kunai look dull- he also had a golden armor with a black trim and a long sword on his belt.

"I don't care, destroy them!" The lion-man roared, his deep voice resonating through the battle field.

"Goten, get Trunks and Kai and go!" Yamato yelled as he watched Goten kill one soldier but get struck by another soldier's ki blast.

"NO!" Goten yelled, causing a small burst of ki to leak out, throwing a few soldiers away, "I'm a shinobi of Konoha!" Goten's hair stood up.

"Goten, GO!" Yamato yelled as a ki blast hit the ex-ANBU in the chest, sending him flying.

"Yamato!" Goten shouted, punching a hole through the attacker's chest, killing him. "Trunks! Kai! Get out of here!" The demi-Saiyan shouted.

"Sorry Goten, but battle is my thing, I promised Hokage-sama that I would put my life on the line for Konoha, and so I will!" Kai shouted, appearing next to Goten and swinging his black katana, cutting a soldier in half. Kai was a ninja that had been found during an expedition by Kakashi and a few other Jonin. The village that he was found in had been burned down by black flames that wouldn't go out. Kai had black hair that covered his face with green eyes that looked like emeralds. He wore a black cloak with that had lime green trimmings. He also had a strange necklace that had a skull charm on it.

"Dammit Kai, just go!" Goten shouted as he smashed his fist into the gut of a soldier who attacked him.

"No." Kai laughed as he danced around the soldiers, slicing and shooting small Katon jutsus at them. "Hijutsu: Black Flame Maelstrom!" Kai shouted as thirty or so soldiers jumped at him, he activated his jutsu, causing a large twister of black fire to eviscerate the soldiers, leaving no remains.

"Commander Saber, we need help!" One soldier yelled as a raiton jutsu flew at him and caused him to begin convulsing.

"I'll deal with Yamato!" Trunks yelled, having finally gotten away from the large group of soldiers.

"Thanks Trunks!" Goten yelled, "Hurry!" Trunks nodded and rushed towards Yamato as he grabbed the Jonin and ran away.

"Kai, I'll deal with the soldiers." Goten said as he and Kai stood back-to-back.

"Cool, I'll take ." Kai smiled as he jumped towards Saber.

'Time to try and call on my Earth Sage Mode.' Goten thought as he dodged attacks left and right. 'How did it happen last time?' He thought, kicking a soldier in the throat with enough force to cause a loud cracking noise. Goten was lost in thought as he danced around blows using pure instincts, until one of them hit him with an uppercut. "Ouch." The demi-Saiyan muttered, 'That's it!' He thought, remembering the fight with Blue, pain was what caused his transformation. "HIT ME AGAIN!" He shouted as three soldiers flew at him, all hitting him with various appendages.

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