Chapter 10: Chunin Test!

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Sakura was waiting at the academy's gate. It was quarter to seven and neither Naruto nor Sasuke had decided to show up yet. She was pretty pissed off. With her were Videl and Goten, who were waiting for Gohan. This struck Sakura as strange seeing as how Gohan was never late.

"What's he preparing?" Videl asked Goten, her arms crossed and her foot tapping the ground.

"I have no clue, he wasn't even home when I left so I thought he would be here." Goten said, shrugging his shoulders.

"What? Why didn't you say that before? He's probably with the Hokage then!" Videl practically screamed, "You know how he gets!"

"The Hokage wouldn't let me be late." Gohan said, somehow appearing behind them. "I was actually training with these two this morning." Gohan pointed to Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura took a closer look, all three of them had bruises and cuts, but looked as if nothing was up.

'I wish I could train like that and not worry about how I look all the time.' Sakura mentally belittled herself for slacking so much in her training, hell Naruto who was dead last in the academy had risen up so he could spar with Sasuke and Gohan, two prodigies. And Sakura, she was top kunoichi, but she couldn't hold a candle to nearly anyone else in their year.

"Ready, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, a smile plastered on his face as he led the way into the building.

"Yea." Sakura replied, sounding a little gloomy.

The six walked in and went to the front desk. "Where do we go for the chunin exams?" Gohan asked the lady. She pointed to the stairs leading up. The group said their thanks and walked towards the stairs.

Their path was suddenly blocked by two people the didn't recognise. 'Genjutsu!' Sakura noted when she saw that the stairs had disappeared.

"Where did the stairs go?" Naruto asked one of the men, who Sakura had dubbed 'Bluey' due to his hair colour.

"What stairs?" Bluey replied, his acting nearly perfect. Sakura put her hands together in the Tiger seal. "HAI!" The stairs were back.

"Nice going girl, that was part of the test, and you guys passed."Bluey's partner said.

"Thanks." Sakura bowed.

"Third floor, second room on the left. Wait for your instructor at the front." They were directed. The six followed the directions they were given and waited, along with the rest of their friends, Ino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, and Shino. They also recognised the Genin that had graduated a year before them, Neji Hyuuga, Rock Lee, and Tenten. All of the sixteen teams in the room stood, awaiting the proctor.

A teen with white hair approached Naruto and his team. "Hello, I'm Kabuto. Nice to meet you." He said with a smile.

"Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet ya." Naruto replied, "These are my teammates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno." Naruto finished.

"Nice to meet you two as well." Kabuto smiled. "You're all first timers, right?" Kabuto asked.

"How'd you know?" Naruto was surprised, he didn't think they stood out that much.

"The look in your eyes. If you need information, just ask, it's my seventh time so I've collected a lot of information. Even on you newbies."

"Tell me about Shikamaru Nara." Sasuke spoke up.

Kabuto pulled out a pile of cards, "Shikamaru Nara, Nara clan heir, lazy but genius level intellect. Expert Shoji player and proficient in his clan's 'Shadow Bind' techniques. Not much else to say about him." Kabuto said. Sasuke wasn't convinced.

"Alright, how about Naruto Uzumaki." The last Uchiha questioned.

"Naruto Uzumaki, orphan, hyperactive and not too smart. Very good at pranks and amazing chakra reserves, also very proficient at the 'Shadow Clone' Jutsu, his current max being one hundred twenty clones during training with Gohan Son during a joint training session. No known Kekkei Genkai." Kabuto said.

"I have a..." Naruto was cut off by a sharp elbow.

"So you don't know everything." Sasuke smirked. Kabuto smirked, pocketed his cards and walked away, leaving the three in silence.

After a few minutes a giant of a man walked in. He wore a bandana with the leaf's symbol on it. He had scars on his face and a long black trench coat.

"I am Ibiki Morino. The proctor for the first exam." Ibiki introduced himself. "Now, time for your seating plan." He smirked.

A few minutes later and they were all sitting. Naruto was beside Hinata, who was beside Goten. Gohan was in the front, Sakura in the back, Sasuke in the front, on the opposite side of the room as Gohan. Videl was up at the back near Sakura, beside Ino. Shikamaru and Choji were separated, and so were Kiba and Shino.

"The paper being passed around is the exam, you have one hour to complete these nine questions. If you are caught cheating three times, I will kick you and your team out." Ibiki waited for the papers to be handed out. "Begin!" He shouted.

Gohan looked at the questions, 'How the hell are Videl or Goten supposed to answer these?' Gohan thought to himself, he and Sakura were probably the smartest in their year and even he was having a hard time.

Sakura was having similar thoughts at the same time, 'Naruto's an idiot and Sasuke probably isn't ready for a written test, and even if he was he might still fail.' She thought.

'Shit, how am I supposed to answer this?' Sasuke thought to himself, having spent the last fifteen minutes on one question. He looked around and noticed one person cheating, a Chunin at the door putting a check on his billboard. 'So that's the trick, I bet they have some Chunin or Jonin hiding in this room with the answers.' Sasuke smirked to himself and activated his Sharingan. He locked on to a person who had their whole paper filled up and examined it, it looked to be alright. Sasuke began copying the man's answers word for word.

After forty-five minutes, Ibiki held up his hand. "Enough!" There were only twelve teams remaining. Kabuto's team, Naruto's team, Gohan's team, Gaara's team, Shikamaru's team, Lee's team, Hinata's team, and five teams from Kumogakure. "It's time the the tenth question. But first, know. If you take the tenth question and get it wrong, you will be banned from ever competing again. However, if you leave now, then you can try again next year." As Ibiki said that, four of the Kumogakure teams left.

Naruto was quivering, 'What am I going to do about this, I'm no good at paper tests, I should have taken Hinata up on the offer to cheat off her.' He thought, then remembered all of his promises to be Hokage. He had his determination now. He raised his hand.

"Naruto what are you..." Sasuke started, but Naruto cut him off by slamming his hand down, "Screw that, I refuse to run away!" He stood up, "I'm not afraid!" He yelled, then sat down and crossed his arms.

'He looks so cool." Hinata squealed on the inside. Blushing deeply, she turned from Naruto.

"I won't take back my promises, that's my Nindo, my ninja way." Naruto said calmly, smirking at Ibiki, who had a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, you all pass." Ibiki said. "That was the tenth question." Then a window burst open and in flew a purple blur.

"I'm Anko, and now that you're done this bullshit exam, time for a fun test. Follow me kiddies." Anko said, she was dressed in a tan trench coat, and fishnet everything else.

Anko led them to a large fenced area, with a forest on the other side of the giant fence.

"This is the forest of death, of the four rooms, one quarter of you little worms passed, so this test was made on the fly. Basically we give you a scroll, you get the opposite, and go to the center. You have five days or we'll leave you there. Now come sign these waivers please." Anko said, holding a stack of papers, everyone went and took one. "Bring these tomorrow at six am. Signed!" Anko demanded, "See you tomorrow." She waved and left in a swirl of leaves.

And that ends this chapter, sorry for how short it is, but the next one is a two parter so I hope that makes up for it. Leave a review and tell me what you liked / disliked. Any questions feel free to PM or leave a review asking it. Thanks for reading.

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