Chapter 11: Gohan in the Forest of Death pt1

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Gohan was waiting at the gate to the forest. He held his form in hand and tapped his foot. He knew he was early and as such he shouldn't be so impatient, but he had a feeling that he needed to get this over with. A smirk crossed his face quickly as he thought of a plan. He placed his hands into the Tiger seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A clone of Gohan popped into existence. "Henge into a rabbit or something and scout the forest, when you reach the middle, dispel yourself." Gohan ordered, and the clone turned to jump over the fence, suddenly a kunai burst through it.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Gohan I thought cheating was above you." Anko said, "Yamato told me you were an honest boy, don't want your sensei to be a liar, do you?" She asked, though it sounded a lot like she was kidding around with him.

"There is no rule about scouting out an area before a battle." Gohan pointed out, "In a real fight, the one with knowledge of the geography has an advantage, and if you know where a fight is to be held, it is smart to scout out that area first."

"True, but this is a test, on a test do you get the answers before the questions?" Anko rebutted, countering Gohan's earlier statement.

"I see where you are coming from, but you can't stop me from sending a clone through." Gohan smirked, and made three more clones.

"Wanna bet?" Anko smirked and bit her thumb, "Summoning Jutsu!" She slammed her hand into the ground and three snakes popped up beside her. One was a twelve foot cobra that had a girth of around four feet, another was a fifteen foot long, three foot wide horned viper, and the last was a gigantic thirty foot long, ten foot wide blue spiny bush viper. "These are my friends, Lamia" She pointed to the cobra, "Ruban" she pointed to the horned viper, "And the strongest, Upear" She pointed to the gigantic viper. "Still wanna disobey me?"

Gohan dispelled his clones. "You win." He sighed. Her summons left in a gigantic puff of smoke. Gohan walked towards her. "Here, they're all signed" Gohan handed her the waiver forms.

Anko checked them over, "Alright, now we wait, wanna play a game?" Anko asked, a sadistic looking smile on her face.

"No, I'm going to meditate, over there." Gohan pointed to a faraway tree and walked towards it. He remembered that Piccolo liked to meditate, and so he figured maybe Piccolo's hobby would help him with calming down, he was anxious, he had a strange feeling something would happen during this test, something horrible. He got to the tree he had pointed at and jumped up, reaching a branch that was a good twenty feet up, and sat down, it's width being good enough to support Gohan easily. He closed his eyes and focused on nothing.

"Hey, brat, time to go!" Gohan's eyes snapped open, he barely dodged a kunai that was aimed for his head.

"Watch it!" He yelled, then jumped down, pushing chakra out of his feet to slow his descent, it was a familiar feeling, being in the sky, not anchored by the ground. Gohan looked up at the sky. It was a serene blue colour and the clouds moved through it like fish in a stream. 'I want to remember.' He thought sadly.

Gohan joined his team, who were near Naruto's squad.

"This challenge is unusual, I guess too many people passed the last test. They need a sudden death round." Said a kid with white hair and horn rimmed glasses. Gohan could also hear Sakura and Ino fighting over Sasuke, Ino complaining that Sakura got more time with him, and Sakura rebutting with the fact that rookie of the year and top kunoichi were always together in a squad.

"Gohan, where did you go this morning?" Goten asked, "I'm getting a bit worried about you."

Gohan ruffled his brother's hair, "I was here, I had a hard time sleeping, that's all. I'll go get the scroll." He walked up to Anko and took his scroll, heaven. He looked to Naruto's group, earth. "Looks like we might have to go up against you guys, huh?" Gohan said to Sasuke, who shrugged and said, "I hope not, I'm not sure I can take the three of you, and Naruto will get knocked out too quickly if you fought him." Gohan was sure that was Sasuke's way of joking, so he smiled and patted his friend's back. "Good luck."

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