Chapter 33: Gaara vs Naruto, the power of the Jinchuuriki!

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The explosion cleared and Naruto stood alone, his cloak of chakra gone. Ice's destroyed body at his feet.

"Thank you." A voice came from the nearby shrubs, a ninja from Suna walked out, Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari behind him. " I doubt that we would've defeated him."

"Dynamic Entry!" A loud voice boomed as Gai flew on scene, kicking the Suna Jonin in the chest, "I, Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey, will be your opponent!" He shouted, starting a Taijutsu bout with the Suna-nin. "Neji, you did good getting here that fast!" Gai shouted to his student, who had flown with speeds that surprised all of team Gai when he had heard that Hinata was engaging the aliens.

"Thanks you sensei." Neji said.

'How did I not notice him?' Shikamaru thought.

"Dynamic Entry!" A second voice came as Lee flew into the fight, engaging Kankuro in a fight.

Tenten then burst through the shrubs and began to attack Temari.

"Gaara?" Naruto looked at the red haired boy.

"Naruto, mother would like your blood." Gaara said, slinging an arm towards Naruto, who rolled out of the way as a claw of sand destroyed the place he was just standing.

"I don't have time to deal with you Gaara." Naruto said, running at the boy, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He made three clones, "Quadruple Rasengan!" Naruto and each of his clones made a Rasengan and attempted to smash them into Gaara.

'Mother, take over?' Gaara thought, nearly in a trance as his willpower weakened, he could smell Naruto's blood now, and it was making him crazy. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The redhead screamed, Ichibi breaking through his seal slightly and changing Gaara into a half beast, He roared as the four Rasengans smashed into him, and Gaara swiped his hand, a giant claw of sand destroying the clones and sending Naruto flying.

"Kit, don't allow him to use a full-body take over!" Kurama warned, he knew that Naruto couldn't defeat the Ichibi right now.

"I refuse to lose to you again Kurama!" Gaara shouted, though it did not sound like the red-haired boy's normal voice, this one was much deeper and was filled with even more hatred.

"Shukaku's taking control, you have to win quickly Naruto!" Kurama almost yelled, Shukaku -the Ichibi- was the weakest of the bijuu, but was also the most insane, he had a tendency to kill who ever he fought.

"Fine, Kuchiyose no jutsu!" Naruto shouted, slamming his hand to the ground and causing a seal to appear, "Monkey!" He yelled, hoping for a powerful summon.

"I am Smasha!" The gorilla that appeared yelled, he was a large silverback gorilla standing an easy seven feet tall and wore a green band around his left arm.

"Nice to meet ya, mind if we do introductions after?" Naruto asked, gesturing towards Gaara.

"No problem." Smash smiled and charged the jinchuuriki, grabbing him and holding him as Naruto prepared an attack.

"Smasha, when I shoot this I need you to move fast!" Naruto yelled, going through hand signs, "Fuuton: Wind Dragon!" Naruto shouted, making a dragon from wind that flew towards Gaara, then he made a few more hand seals, "Fuuton: Wind Torpedo!" He yelled, breathing in as much air as he could, then releasing it in a small ball that flew towards Gaara as well.

Smasha jumped out of the way and roared at Gaara, causing a few stones to fly at him, "Gorilla Cannon!" Smasha shouted, shooting a large beam of chakra at Gaara.

Gaara swiped his hand upwards, a claw destroyed Smasha's beam and a few shurikens made of sand flew towards Naruto's attacks, cancelling out the torpedo and impeding the dragon enough for Gaara to jump over it.

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