Chapter 9: Chunin Exams?

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I just realised I forgot about the Konohamaru part, so I'll just say this. It's the exact same as in canon, no changes whatsoever. Very sorry about that. I'm also very sorry to say that this will be another short chapter, but I promise the next few will be good and long for you. One other thing that I have not mentioned is that the Uchiha massacre happened semi-recently in this story, instead of when Sasuke was seven, it happened while he was nine, I just find it more realistic that an nine year old bears a lifelong grudge, seven year olds are generally forgiving after a while.

Chapter 9: Chunin Exams?

"Sure, I'd love to go out for lunch Sakura-chan." Naruto smiled.

"Maybe, I've gotta go get something first. If I'm not back in five minutes, I'm not coming." Sasuke said, walking off.

"He's getting better at the whole 'I've actually got friends so let's try and keep them' thing ya know." Naruto said to Sakura, who laughed.

"Ya, he's getting a lot better at socialising." She agreed.

"Yo, boss, wanna play ninja?" The two heard a voice, they turned around to see a young boy with a way too long scarf, spiky brown hair, blue shorts a yellow shirt and a pair of green goggles. Konohamaru. With him were his friends, Udon, a short kid who always had snot dripping from his nose, and Moegi, a girl with two large orange pigtails, both of them also wore goggles.

"Sorry Konohamaru, I'm busy right now, maybe later" Naruto felt bad, ever since he had become a ninja he never had time to play with Konohamaru anymore. "After lunch maybe, we're just waiting for Sasuke right now, then we're going to eat. After that I'll come play with you, unless something comes up." Naruto smiled at the excited dance the Hokage's grandson had done at that.

"He's so cute." Sakura said, bending down and pinching Konohamaru's cheek. "where'd you meet him Naruto?"

"It's Hokage-jiji's grandson." Naruto said. Sakura's mouth hung open. "Go hide you three, I'll come find you soon." Naruto said, the three ran away, bumping into a strange ninja wearing a black cat suit, a giant bandaged thing on his back. He picked up Konohamaru.

"You little piece of..." The cat suit wearing ninja started, only to be stopped by a piercing glare coming from another new ninja. This one had messy red hair and a huge gourd on his back.

"Kankuro, enough." The boy said, Kankuro backed off immediately. "That is the Hokage's grandson, we are here for the exams, not to cause a war." The redhead said, crossing his arms.

"But Gaara, he bumped into me, can I just beat him a little?" Kankuro asked.

"Do what you want you moron, I'm going for a walk, Temari will you be accompanying me?" Gaara asked his older sister, who had been standing behind Kankuro. She had blonde hair and a huge fan on her back. She followed without so much as a nod.

Once his siblings were out of the way, Kankuro walked towards Konohamaru. Naruto stepped in the way. "You aren't going to hurt him without going through..." A quick kick to the gut silenced the blond.

"All done with you." Kankuro said, a sadistic grin on his face, "Now for the brat." Konohamaru and his two friends were shivering up against a fence, Sakura was in front of them.

"Leave him alone, puppet boy." A familiar dark voice come from across the street, Naruto stood and saw Sasuke walking towards them. "That's our leader's grandson, I'm not going to let you pick on him."

"Yea, let's get him Sasuke." Naruto stood up, beside his friend in a flash.

"An Uchiha and a persistent brat, a nice combination." Kankuro smirked. Naruto charged, his left arm on the right side of his body as he jumped and turned his body slightly diagonally, and turned into Kankuro's body. The latter merely swung the large package off his back and blocks the attack, not noticing Sasuke underneath his puppet, coming for a rising kick to the chin, only to have it dodged by Kankuro, who then jumped away.

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