Ch//15 This Pain Hurts Too Much

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Brynn's POV
Yeah! Bet you didn't see that coming. Well, it's me. Now, time to tell the story through my point of view.

"I told you, you can't keep doing this. Showing up at my house, especially since Kenzie's here. She's not supposed to know about us!"

"I know, I know. I just, wanted to see how you were doing"

"No you don't. You want something. Now spill, because I have somewhere to be"

Johnny's face went soft. "I..I needed to see you"

" can't, say that" Johnny made his way over to me. He held my face in his hands, caressing my cheek. "I know. I just.."

I grabbed his wrists, and tore them away from my skin. Breaking the unimaginable great feeling of contact. "We can't, do this. I told you, that night..was an accident. It was never supposed to happen, and it's never going to happen, ever again"

"Brynn.." he came closer, and I stepped away. "Stop. We are keeping too many secrets from her already!" Johnny sighed.

"You need to go. And so do I" Johnny nodded his head and walked away from me.

I finish setting my mom's food on her desk and left her room.


Mackenzie's POV

It was weird, seeing him again. Or should I say, that soon. I mean, how am I supposed to talk to him again?

"Come on Kenz. What are you waiting for?" I was distracted by looking outside the window. I didn't even realize we were at my house.

"Uh, Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming" I unbuckled the seat belt and got out the car.

Once we finally got inside everyone took their shoes off and left them at the door.

"So, what movie should we watch?" Brynn asked, coming out the kitchen with a popcorn bowl.

"I already chose the movie Bry" I told her as she sat down on the couch, right next to me.

The boys pulled up bean bags we keep in the storage closet. "We're watching 'IT'." Isaak said sighing. Brynn looked at me like I was crazy. "Really Kenz?"

"Oh my gosh! Why is everyone hating on 'IT'?" I laughed. "I'm not. That movie is great"

Of course Hayden would agree with me. "Okay fine. We'll watch the movie" Brynn laid down on the couch and put her legs on me.

"Anyone for some popcorn?" We all turned and looked at Brynn, then she threw popcorn at us. "Brynn!" I screamed, laughing. Along with everyone else. "Smooches. Now, start the movie babes"

I rolled my eyes playfully and pressed play on the tv remote.

Half way through the movie, my thoughts kept drifting to that voicemail my mom sent me.

I decided to get up from the couch and walk up to my room.

Brynn was already knocked out, and the boys didn't hear me get up.

When I finally got to my room, I sat down on my bed. I slowly turned on my phone and went to my phone log.

I can't believe I didn't see this.

My heart starting beating faster as I pressed on the call, and put the phone up to my ear.

"Baby..I'm sorry. I know I haven't been there for you, and I'm sorry. There was a lot of shit I had to deal with, but I can't take it anymore more. I wanted an out..and I know that you might not know what I'm talking about right now, but you will. Soon. I will forever love you Kenzie. Please..forgive me"

And then it ended. Tears streaming down my face, I couldn't even see clearly because apparently someone was standing at my door.

"Need someone to talk to?" I tried to make out who it was.

Isaak. I know I didn't know him that well, but he was there. And I so desperately wanted someone to be here with me.

I nodded my head and he came over and wrapped me in his arms.

I immediately started crying even more. I grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to me.

I buried my head in his neck. My eyes were burning with sadness. I couldn't take this.

My mom took her own life! It hurts too much! I just...I just can't!

✔︎ |𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒*𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now