Ch//37 Life Secrets

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"Please stay" I said tugging on Johnny's arm. He said smiling getting up off the bed. "I can't, I have errands to run." I frowned. "please.."

"Baby, you know I want to. I just can't"

"What errands are more important than me?" Johnny leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Absolutely nothing"

"Then why can't you stay and cuddle with me all day?" I whined. "Because..I can't" I let go of Johnny's arm. "What are you going to do?"

"Something..It's a surprise" I smiled and gave him a hug before he was about to walk out the door. "I guess I'll just..oh! I can hang with Brynn today!"

"Great, so you won't be bored without me" I rolled my eyes playfully, even though it was true. I get bored without him.

He left the room and I sighed. But I found my phone and called Brynn. She went home with Hunter yesterday, so I guess I'll just meet up with her.


"So, what should we do first?" Brynn asked me while standing in the middle of the mall, watching everyone walking by. "We should totally be those girls that buy matching outfits and wear it for the rest of the day" I smiled brightly. "Oh no, not those girls" Brynn playfully shrugged and laughed. "Come on, let's go" I pulled Brynn into Forever 21. It didn't take us long to find and outfit for us to match with, since we both have similar styles.

 It didn't take us long to find and outfit for us to match with, since we both have similar styles

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"What's next Brynnie?" I hopped gracefully out the store with our other clothes in the bags. I looked at her since she was following behind me, but she was too focused on her phone. "Brynn?" She snapped out of her daze and frowned at me.

"Oh, right. I just got a text from Hunter, he wants to buy us lunch" I smiled, knowing how happy Brynn could be with someone finally. "Us? Or you?"

"Well I told him I was with you when he asked, so he agreed on buying both of us lunch"

"Okay.." I smirked after my comment. "What?" Brynn blushed. "Do you love him?" Brynn's eyes widened once she realized what I had said, it only made her blush more.

I mean, it would make sense. He takes care of her, he didn't leave her when her mom died.

May she Rest In Peace.

He stands up for her in front of her...I don't know if I should call him a care giver, cause he doesn't really take care her. We'll stick with her mom's boyfriend, I can't seem to remember his name anyways.

Hunter laughs with her, makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Don't ask how I know that, I can just tell. She's my best friend after all.

He makes her smile, more than she normally does, and for Brynn, that's a lot. I'm sure he loves her.

"I don't know..I think I might" I grinned happily. "Aww, you guys are so cute!" Brynn nudged my shoulder, still blushing. "Shut up. Let's go"


After lunch with my best friend and her lover, I went back home. Johnny wasn't responding to any of my calls or text, and Hunter wanted to take Brynn out on a date. And I never really liked being a third wheel, even though she insisted I go, I still said no.

When I got to my house, Maddie's car was gone. I literally don't even know where she goes anymore, she never tells me.

But that was the least surprising thing I encountered once getting home. Some man in a black suit and shades was standing in my living room, with my father. I rolled my eyes mentally while also questioning why either of these people were in my house.

"Um...what's going on?" I said while putting my bag down. My first question was going to be how'd they get into my house, but knowing my father, he probably had a key made and didn't tell us.

"Mackenzie, this is Agent Jared. He's working on the case for your mother's disappearance" I was ultimately confused. "Case? What case? Mom died, she didn't disappear"

"Yes, we know that's what you were told. But did you actually see the body? And who told you?" Come to think of it, I didn't have answer to either of those questions. I don't know who Maddie was on the phone with at the airport, and I mean who would really ask that question once hearing their mother died.

And I didn't even ask to see her body at the funeral because I was too afraid. Like who is afraid to see their dead mother?! I feel like an idiot!

"And wasn't she gone for like a week, with no contact to you guys at all" now I was dumbfounded. How does he know any of this?

"How do you know anything?" I asked with my arms crossed. But before Greg answered, Jared did. "Your sister, Maddie informed us. We questioned her also. I sent her out to confirm something for us, and if it comes back would mean your mother was murdered"

I am seriously freaking out! Like how! Were they gathering information or something?! How does my father of all people even know! Why is he involved!

"W-what? is that even possible? Why is my dad involved?"

"I loved her just as much as you Kenz"

"No, you did not. Don't try these bull shit lies right now. I'm so not in the mood to argue with you" Jared gestured for my father to sit down on the couch. "My organization has been doing a lot of research since your mother's disappearing. Our conclusion is very simple. If the person were looking for, has the one item that would point to your mother's disappearance, we're going to have to detain them for further questioning"

"What? Who? What item?" I was really thinking life couldn't get any worse in this situation right now, but it just had to. My heart sunk to the floor, when Maddie came walking into the house with...Johnny.


I've never been in a police station before. And I never would have thought that I would be in here for this. "Where were you John...I was so worried. Even more so now" Johnny leaned forward in the metal chair, they had his right hand cuffed to the table. His wrist twitching showed that it was obviously hurting him.

He didn't look at me, just kept his head down. "Johnny to me. I don't know what's going to happen to you—"

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be released, and I'll take you home, and cook you a nice dinner. We'll stay up all night looking at the stars, having other people walk by wishing they were us. Everything is going to be fine" I wish what he said would have reassured me, I just fell deeper into the hole I wish I could climb out of.

"You know I won't be able to make it without you John. I need you" he set his hand on mine, risking his situation even more. "I didn't do this have to believe me. You see that ring I gave you, that's my promise we'll be together..always and forever"

I looked down at the ring.."I don't know what to believe anymore"

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