Ch//17 The Scars Have Been Left Unhealed

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"Um..Kenzie? Who's this?" Hayden asked cluelessly.

I kept glaring at him. "I asked a question. What. The. Hell. Are you doing here?" I said even sterner, as I walked away from Brynn and closer to the door.

"I..heard about your mother Kenz—Mackenzie. I came to pay my respects"

"There was a funeral for that" I folded my arms across my chest. "I know, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it-"

"No. You don't get to do that. You don't get to come in, and be the 'worried' father. We needed you, and you left! Multiple times! So I don't believe that bull shit of a 'I'm sorry' story your throwing at me! I hate you! And it's because of you my mother took her life! All the crap you made her go through was just too much—"

I stopped. Realizing what I was saying. It wasn't Johnny. It was my father.

"You killed my mother" Greg's face went in shock. "What? How could you-"

I grabbed the door knob and got ready to close it. "Get away from my house" I said with literally no emotion.


"I said, leave" he slowly backed up from the door and walked down the driveway. I closed the door, slowly turning around to see very astonishing faces stare back at me.

"Babes?.." I turned away from Brynn. "I just think" I walked quickly to my room and closed the door.

I thought tears would start pouring out once I reached my bed, but nothing. Nothing at all.

It's like he breaks me. My emotions get so out of control, and angry, that there is none left.

That bastard. He ruined everything. And this whole time I wanted to believe it was Johnny.

There was a knock on my door, and I rolled my eyes mentally. "Come in"

My door opened slowly. "Hey. I know this might be a bad time, but uh..Brynn wants to know if your still on for breakfast. She said something about reservations. I told her to just leave you be—"

"It's fine Hay" I said, sitting up from my pillow. "But, you guys can go without me" he nodded his head, and he was getting ready to close the door back.

"Kenz?" I turned my head back to Hayden. "Hm?"

"You're going to be okay. I promise. It'll get better"

So I'm told.

"I believe you Hay. Thanks" he smiled then left my room.


"Kenz? You up?" My darling sister's voice rung through my ears as I turned my head to see her sitting at the bottom of my bed. "Yeah. I'm up"

I sat up to level with her. "Brynn, told me what happened. What did dad-Greg, want?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "He said he came to see you, to pay 'respects' to our mother. Like he actually cares" I rolled my eyes.

"Well then. Maturely handle Kenz" I nodded.

It's time I tell her, at least I'll have someone to talk to. "There's something else" Maddie looked up from playing with her fingers. "What is it?"

"I got a, uh..voicemail from mom. Three days before we found out she died. Well, I found her cause of death" Maddie's eyes widened in shock.

"Wha—Kenz? Are you serious?!" I grabbed my phone of my nightstand.

I played the voicemail for her, tears already forcing their way out of Maddie's eyes as she heard our mother's voice.

"Baby..I'm sorry. I know I haven't been there for you, and I'm sorry. There was a lot of shit I had to deal with, but I can't take it anymore more. I wanted an out..and I know that you might not know what I'm talking about right now, but you will. Soon. I will forever love you Kenzie. Please..forgive me"

Maddie covered her mouth, staring at my phone once the voicemail ended.

"Did you get one?" I asked softly. Surprising to say the least, I wasn't crying.

Maddie took time to collect herself, obviously shocked. "One..what?"

"A uh..a voicemail" Maddie looked down and shook her head. "No. No I didn't"

We sat in silence for a while, until I broke it.

"It's his fault you know?" Maddie looked up at me, wiping away more tears. "Who's fault?"

"Dad. I can't believe I had to see him in order to realize it. But it's his fault we're like this. He's the reason we hurt, he's the reason we find it hard to trust...he's the reason our mother is dead"

"Woah, Kenzie. Don't say that. Yes, I mean he is an awful person, and doesn't deserve forgiveness, and it is probably his fault that we can't trust anyone, but there's no way he's the reason mom is dead"

I folded my hands together. "He could be the reason she wanted to kill herself! After everything he's done, how could that not be a possibility" Maddie put her hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down Kenzie. I understand where you're coming from, but we must not jump to conclusions" I removed her hands from my skin.

"Fine. Whatever" I looked over my shoulder and at the floor. "I'll make sure he stays away from you, okay? He won't be able to hurt us..ever again" my sister reassured me with her words.

It felt somewhat comforting, but then again..who really knows...

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