chapter 2

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I begin to approach and Sammie, as I've decided to call her, gently grabs hold of my arm to stop me. "Umm maybe we should come back a little later when they're gone?" She whispers which makes gives me the impression that she may feel intimidated by them.

"Why would we do that? We're here now and I need my stuff, I'm not walking all the way back again. Your not worried about them are you?" I gesture towards the group with a small incline of my head. I already have my suspicions but I actually want her to confirm it and the reasons to why.

"Well there not a good group of people, there trouble and I've heard things about Ja ..." I don't mean to but I cut her off with a short laugh. I know I wanted to know but there's no way I'm going to be made afraid of these people no matter what she's heard. I've come across bad people before...hell I was one of them. Seeing the smirk play on my lips and my face set in determination, she lets go of my arm sighing and walks closely behind me towards my car.

As I expected the idiot who tried to park there car is bumper to bumper with mine blocking me in and I'm unable to open my trunk. Well I can if I want to cause some serious damage but for now I'll play the part of acting like a civilized human being.
"We should just come back later." Sammie whimpers again.

I actually quite like this girl but her pushing me to leave is beginning to grind on me. So I decide to do the decent thing and instead of taking out my anger on my peppy new room mate, I'll direct it towards the source of my anger, the fucking driver. Sammie gasps as I storm away from her and to the driver's side window of that car. As I bend down to look inside I immediately notice the unruly mess of thick black hair.

"Hey do you mind moving your car you've blocked me in?" I demand as politely as I can manage at this point. The guy turns his face to mine and I'm instantly met with a set of fierce and piercing grey eyes.
"And?" He interrupts my staring, reminding me of my annoyance once again.
"And.... this is me asking you to move." He rolls his eyes, sighing heavily at my almost polite request, as if I'm the one whose causing an inconvenience to him.

I allow myself to stare over the rest of his face when he doesn't reply. He has soft pouty lips and stubble beginning to appear over his cheeks and strong jaw line. Great handsome asshole are always the the worst kind. He smirks as if reading my thoughts.
"No?" I repeat. What do you mean no!? My mind screams.
"Glad you understand." He scoffs, facing back towards his friends through the open passenger side door.

The three girls who are with the group begin giggling after hearing his dissmisal of me. Fucking giggling, really? The boys all begin mixing there laughter in too which only adds to the fire heating up inside my chest.
"Jace your so mean..." The peroxide haired girl pouts at him mockingly and begins again with the giggling assault on my ears.

She leans across the console towards him and bats at his arm playfully, all whilst fluttering those long extensions of hers in his direction. Obviously thinking her performance of having a seizure is somewhat of a turn on.
"Okay so are you moving your car or not?" I interupt. He turns again to face me and slowly looks me over, sensing my inner fury I'm sure, he simply answers with that fucking condencending smirk again.

I stand up tall with new purpose and scan my eyes over to find where Sammie is. To no surprise she's right over by the hood of my car hiding away from the drama and I can't say I really blame her. She sends me a small reassuring smile, as if to tell me yet again that we'll come back later.
Hell no! I am pissed, so pissed I'm done with trying to play nice and polite. Assholes only understand assholes and he has no idea.
"Fine don't move your car! I don't care really, I was just trying to save yours from getting the back fucked up!"

I walk back towards my trunk and spare a look back over my shoulder, noticing the arrogant boys head has popped out of his window, a frown settling over his features and I inwardly smile at his reaction.
"You wouldn't!" Oh this boy has no idea!
"Oh I would...and what's more I'm going to enjoy doing it too." I throw a smirk back at him and go to find the button beneath the handle to lift my trunk. I press the button but before I can begin to lift it up I feel a strong rough hand grab hold of my wrist, pulling me away and spinning me around.

He's now standing directly Infront of me only inches away from my body. I feel the heat radiating from him in waves and wonder if he can feel it too. Grey eyes are searing into my brown ones and I notice his broad chest rising and falling harshly in anger.
"Are you fucking crazy?" He growls.
"Maybe." I reply with a smile.
"You do fucking realize my car is worth more than that piece of shit you drive don't you? You couldn't even afford the repairs Princess."

Princess? I've been called alot of things in my life but princess? I laugh to loudly and when I attempt to cover my mouth with my hand I realize he still firmly has hold of my wrist.
"What's wrong with you? do you think this is funny?" Well Obviously, I thought that was a given.
"Are you actually going to let me answer you or do you still need to continue?"

When he only responds with a glare, which I can't yet decide is just his natural expression or not, I continue.
"Yes Im completely aware that your car is worth more than my piece of shit as you put it but that's what makes this situation funny." He looks at me as if I've lost it.
"And what makes this whole situation funnier is that you bought this on yourself, you knew what you was doing and the fact you'd think I'd even pay for your repairs is a joke in itself!" He groans again In response trying to contain his anger.

"But your not playing the funny asshole now though are you? I tried to be nice just so you know, so I'll ask you again, do you think maybe you can move your expensive car before I attempt to smash open my trunk again?" He continues to stare at me working out if I'm serious or not.

"Well that's if your able to stop holding hands with me." As soon as the words finish leaving my mouth he's eyes drop to where his hand is holding onto my wrist. Meeting his gaze with mine once again, he looks almost embarrassed and I swear I see pink begin to tint his face before he looks away.

He quickly let's go, awkwardly running his fingers through his messy black hair before turning his body away from me. In that moment I feel as if I've been pulled back to reality when the heat of his grip leaves my skin and the sounds of his friends laughter and mocking fills my ears, reminding me that in fact we're not alone.

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