chapter 44

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As soon as we enter his apartment I'm hit with a rush of nerves. I find myself waiting by the door fiddling with the straps of my bag just to keep my mind occupied. I don't know why I feel like this it's not as if I've never been here before but then again I've never actually came here when I'm sober.
"Here I'll take that and put it in the bedroom just make yourself at home."
Jace grabs the bag from my hands before swinging it over his shoulder and stalking off towards his room.

I can't help but stare. How is it that with such a small action he looks so effortlessly sexy? I need to get a grip and calm my raging hormones, I've barely taken two steps away from the door and he already has me loosing my mind. I head straight for the couch and recline my body back into the plush leather interior, bringing my legs up to rest on the seats beside me.

Jace soon reappears wearing a bright smile, he leans down to lift up my legs and places them over his lap as he sits, as if it's the most normal thing in the world to do.
"I thought we'd order in a pizza if that's good with you?"
"I didn't bring any money with me." I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment but Jace only seems to find it amusing.

"Good saves me from having to stop you from paying."
He squeezes the top of my thigh reassuringly and I can't help the way I smile at the small act of affection. What's with him? He's acting like a complete different person to what I'm used to. Maybe it's because he feels more comfortable in his own home, either that or he's had a personality transplant.

"Do you want something in particular?"
"No I'm good with anything." He smiles at my response before pulling himself up from beneath me to stand. "I'm just going to go an order I'll be back in a minute, find something for us to watch." I turn on the television as requested and begin to scroll through the channels. What the hell does he even like to watch? I have no idea what he's into. Infact If I think about it I don't really know that much about him atall.

I automatically stop when I see that Forest Gump is on. I've always loved this movie, it was one of mine and my dad's favourites that we would religiously watch together whenever it was on. We would sit together taking it in turns to quote lines from the movie and he would poke fun out of me whenever I would tear up during the sad scenes, even though I knew he was just as emotional. Me and my Dad are just so similar and that's why we had always shared such a close bond.

"Trust you to be watching this shit." Jace intrudes my thoughts and seats himself back into position. I reach out to playfully swat at his arm but he grabs hold of my wrist, seeing me coming and places it back down to my thigh.
"How can you not like it?"
"Because it's shit." He simply replies with a shrug.
"So you must of seen it before then to think that?"
"Not really I've never cared to sit and watch it all the way through."

"Oh but you must of at least heard some of the iconic lines in it though?"
"Really? Not even ruuuuun foresssssst ruuuuun!" I try to do my best Jenny impression but fail miserably and end up errupting into a fit of hysterics, half at my attempt and half at my own embarrassment. Jace's laugh suddenly booms out mixing with my own beautifully. He rests his head on my legs whilst holding onto his stomach trying to catch his breath. When he finally does he looks up to me and watches me before speaking.

"Your fucking crazy you know that right?" I notice the swift change of his eyes darkening before he curls both arms around the backs of my legs and pulls me ontop of his lap in one quick motion. I grab ahold of his shoulders to steady myself before I look down to meet his gaze. I'm met with the most intense stare which immediately ignites every part of my body.

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