chapter 43

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I spend way to long in the shower going over every last detail in my head of the conversations between me and Jace this morning, trying to decipher what led to his sudden mood change but I keep coming up blank. I've just decided to put it down to his normal bad mood swings that he so frequently has. I doubt he even knows why half the time.

When I get back to my room Sammie is there rushing around packing up her belongings into an overnight bag.
"Have I scared you off already?" I tease.
"You wish you could have this room to yourself! I hate to disappoint you but no. I'm going to stay with Jackson this weekend his parents are in town and he wants me to meet them." I can see the worry creep its way onto her usually calm and poised face.

"You seriously can't be worried about that! Sammie within a few minutes of meeting you they will love you." I try and reassure her but it doesn't seem to be working. She pulls a dress from the bag and discards it onto the floor in frustration.

"I just... you know... everythings going so well between me and Jackson. I've waited for this for such a long time and this weekend is a big deal. I don't want his parents to not like me and then their opinion come between us." I walk over and take her hands forcing her to stop and sit on the bed.
"Just breathe okay, I can already garantee that they won't think that way about you and even if they did would it stop you feeling the way you do about Jackson?" She shakes her head at me.

"No but...."
"No, no buts. It won't change the way Jackson feels either, I've seen the way he is with you. So stop worrying and just be yourself." Sammie takes a deep breath before standing up to retrieve the discarded dress and refold it back into her bag.
"Thankyou Liv Its just got me freaking out."
"You don't need to thank me it's nice to be able to help for a change instead of causing the problems."

"You shouldn't put yourself down like that all the time Liv, I don't think you realise how amazing you are." My cheeks heat up from her comment. I don't put myself down all the time do I? Wanting to divert the conversation from me, I swiftly change the subject back to her and jackson.

In-between replapses of panicking over his parents she begins to fill me in on the drama at the party last night.
"This guy just wouldn't take no for an answer and when he leaned in to try and kiss me again Jackson swung for him. I've never been that close to a fight before it was kinda scary. The guy got a hit in on Jackson and as soon as his frat brothers saw that he drew blood they jumped in to break it up."

"I'm so sorry I can't believe I didn't even realise any of this was going on. I should of been there with you." Guilt crawls through me at the thought of a scared Sammie being caught up in a fight, whilst I was completely oblivious. Focusing on myself as usual, getting wasted and throwing myself at Charlie.
"There's nothing you could of done Liv I'm glad you weren't there to see it. After it was broke up Jackson was hell bent on going back in to get him, so I gave him the option to leave with me or I'd leave without him."

"See you have nothing to worry about." She smiles up at me appreciatively.
"I feel bad for leaving you alone this weekend." I'm reminded by my plans with Jace tonight. I'm torn between telling her and keeping it a secret. I want her advice but I feel like I already know what it will be and I don't think it's what I really want to hear right now.

"I wasn't going to say anything but I saw Jace earlier." Oh shit does she know? Maybe she saw him leave here.
"Did you?" I can't help the way my voice rises an octave. I hope she only reads it as shock and not an admission of my own guilt.
"Yeah I think he was leaving some girls dorm, I'm sorry Liv. I don't want to tell you what you already know so I won't but be careful he seems like a pretty persistent guy." She has no idea how persistent he can be.

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