chapter 34

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I've been standing in the fucking halls for what feels like a god damn eternity, switching between stalking backwards and forwards and pounding on the door. At first I thought she was hiding away in there, trying her best to ignore me or wish me away.

I then came to realise that if she had infact been inside this whole time and heard the commotion I was making, she would have been only to happy to tell me to fuck off. I don't even know why I'm here it's not like I give a fuck about my clothes anyway, I just needed a chance to make her see things from my side.

Leaning against the opposite wall, I push my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone, bringing up Liv's name yet again. I begin typing out the same text I've written and then deleted countless times in the last hour.

'I'm waiting outside your dorm I thought you said you were going to be here..look I think we need to talk I said things that I shouldn't of I know I'm a dick, just come back okay...'

I'm interrupted from typing out my well rehearsed speech when I hear the soft sound of Liv's laughter drift through the hall, calling to me. As she approaches she doesn't seem to notice me or maybe she's pretending like I don't exist.

She looks so carefree completely unaffected as she chats away to her friend, so she can't be that pissed at me then surely. Continuing her back and forth conversation she only seems to acknowledge me when she's only a few steps away.

Her eyes meet mine for a few fleeting seconds before her features harden and any life that was shining in her eyes before has now completely been extinguished by the sight of me. Yep she's definitely pissed.

"You cut your hair?" I can't help the way I stare over her, trying to take in her new look. I think back to the way her beautiful long hair had previously flowed down to her waist and how it pooled across my pillow as she slept.
"So?" I hadn't even realised I had made the comment out loud but the look of insult on her face tells me otherwise.

"So nothing.. It looks good." And it does look good, she will always look beautiful it's just a shock. Seemingly uninterested in accepting my compliment she pushes her keys into the lock before getting the door open. Sammie stays close behind her guarding her from my view like some fucking little body guard.

"You can wait out here why Liv collects your stuff." She guides Liv into the room with her hand pressed against her back and goes to close the door behind them but I grab the handle in my fist keeping her from shutting me out. This is definitely not how it's fucking going down.

"I think I'll wait inside actually." I push my body between the small space she's created and the look of hate in her eyes drills through me.
"You can't just barge in here without permission, I'll call campus security to remove you if you don't leave!"

Miss prim tries to come across as intimidating with her pathetic little threat, as if I fucking care.
"Do what you want but I'm not going anywhere I need to talk to Liv."
"You don't get to talk to her!" Ignoring her annoying little voice I turn away from her, my eyes seeking out Liv.

She keeps her head down oblivious to the arguement between me and her  roommate and continues to move around the room opening her dresser draws and gathering my stuff from her closet. I stalk towards her placing my hands on the small clothing pile in her arms to stop her.

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