chapter 29

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We pull into the student parking lot on campus, finding a space I cut the engine off. Liv stretches out her arms in front of her groaning at the effort before turning to look at me.
"Thanks for the lift back, I suppose I better go and face Sammie then."

Something about her body language tells me she's not ready to leave yet and honestly I'm not ready for the deafening silence and emptiness to invade me either.

"Don't you like your roommate then?"
"Yes of course! I just know she's going to want a full debriefing on what I've been up to this weekend and honestly I've not nearly drank enough coffee to keep up with her."

"Well why don't we head to The Bean then unless your in a rush?" I've spoken the words before I even thought them but I find myself hoping she doesn't shoot me down.

"You want to come with me?" Why does she find that so hard to believe? It's just coffee.
"Well yeah I could do with a cup of coffee myself unless your offering to pick one up for me?"

"No you can get your own damn coffee!" Fiesty as ever she swings the passenger door open climbing out, all whilst trying to hide the small smile that plays on her full lips. I love how our back and forth banter comes so easily, nothing ever seems to feel forced.

As we make the journey she informs me she's majoring in communication and media studies. I don't know why but to me it doesn't seem to fit with her personality, I just can't see it.
"What made you choose to do that then?"

"Honestly I didn't choose anything it got to the point that my Mother took control and well I let her I suppose." She shrugs her comment off acting as if it's no big deal.

For some reason this pisses me off more than it should. The girl is eighteen years old she's more than capable of making her own life choices other than keeping her fucking Mother happy.

"And you just let her?" My voice sounds harsher than I intended but in the small space of time I've gotten to know this girl, I've learnt how hard it is to make Liv do anything. So why the fuck would she give into her?

"Well I didn't want to come to college at all so it doesn't even matter to me what I do." Her voice matches my harsh tone, this is obviously a touchy subject for her but I can't help but push further to satisfy my curiosity.

"So then why did you?" She stops in her tracks grabbing my forearm in a strong grip. I expect to see her eyes full of the same rage that I've witnessed numerous times before but instead their soft, shining with guarded tears.

"Jace I told you, she.. she doesn't want me at home the things I've done she doesn't want me, so I had to come. Can we drop this now please?"

Guilt crawls through me I shouldn't of bought it up again, she already gave me a little of the truth last night and made it clear she couldn't tell me more. What could she have possibly done to make her mother not want her?

The thought makes me feel sick, I know all to well what rejection like that feels like but for her to be a constant in her life and then reject her afterwards, makes it even worse. I hope to never meet the fucking woman, I wouldn't be able to stop myself telling her exactly what I think.

"I'm sorry Liv."
"You don't need to be sorry Jace it's just not something I'm comfortable talking about." I find myself wanting to ask about her Dad. Is he in her life? Did he have a say in this too? But this time I choose to drop it, for now.

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