chapter 19

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I took another shower eager to wash the scent of Jace from my body and replace it with the familiar coconut and honey of my own. I took my time shaving knowing that Im wearing my beautiful new dress tonight and I wanted to look perfect. When I've finished drying my hair, I pull out my curling tongs and decide to try a different style.

I make tight curls throughout my long hair and brush it through with my comb, teasing it at the roots to give it extra volume and then spray it over for that promised extra hold. Feeling happy with the outcome I move to my face applying my foundation and powder and dusting off my cheeks with blush.

I don't know why but I have a weird excited, nervous energy radiating from my body right now. I know that if Sammie wasn't sat here watching television on her laptop, I'd be in my fucking case pulling out my secret whiskey bottle to ease it.

I decide to smoke out my eyes creating a perfect line and flick to outline them, adding a few coats of mascara to finish. My eyes look striking against the darkness and look bigger if that was even possible.

I'm half tempted to go for a deep shade of lipstick to match my dress but then I remind myself that this is me, I know I'm going to get drunk and I'd rather not wear the colour over my face. So I pull out a nude shade to coat my full lips instead.

I slip off the night shorts and vest I'm currently wearing and grab the hanging dress from my closet laying it onto my bed. I undress and slide the familiar soft material up my body once again.
"Do you need a hand zipping up?" I don't really but I'm greatful that she asks and nod to her for assistance.

Once the dress is fixed in place Sammie steps in front of me to take a look and a grin instantly appears on her face calming me.
"Don't look untill you put your shoes on!"

She runs across the room grabbing my shopping bag and pulls the shoes out returning them to me. Taking a seat on the bed I fasten the straps and walk towards the mirror.

They're easier to walk in then I originally thought they would be! I stare in shock at my reflection, I actually look amazing and I feel like it too. She was right the colour of the dress suits me perfectly complimenting my dark wild hair.

Sammie reappears at my side again with my purse in her hands and slips it onto my shoulder. I'm so glad the purse has a chain strap so I can avoid any repeats from the night before.

I feel like an idiot because I just keep smiling at myself along with Sammie. She acts like a proud parent clasping her hands together but then again I can't recall a single time my mother ever looked at me like that. I grab my phone to distract myself from that thought and check the time. Ten to seven.

I'm impressed with my new found time keeping skills! I begin to load my purse with the things I'll need, along with the nude lipstick.
"Well have an amazing time tonight, you look absolutely beautiful and I'll see you tomorrow?" She casually asks.
"Thanks I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and you have fun too don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I laugh aloud and not for the reasons Sammie's face flushes for. What an odd little saying, surely it should be don't do anything I would do that would make more sense coming out of my mouth. She pulls me in for a hug before I leave and I turn and exit back into my double life.

I walk along the corridor back to Abz's dorm room, loud music greets me from the other side and I bang my fist hard against the wood so I can be heard.
The door swings open and Abz pulls me into an instant hug, I can already smell the alchole on her breath.
"Look at you you look fucking gorgeous!" She makes a show of holding me out in front of her to get a good look, and I feel my cheeks warm in embarrassment.

"Now your going to have to help me I don't want to look like shit against you! Do you want a drink?" Of course I want a fucking drink.
"Yeh if you don't mind." She grabs a bottle of beer from her dresser and hands it over to me, I instantly twist the cap off and bring the bottle to my lips, enjoying the warm bubbly goodness.

"Oh by the way this is Meghan." I instantly recognise the peroxide hair of the girl that laughed at me in the parking lot with Jace. I have to remind myself to play nice, she looks me over maybe recognising me aswell.
"Hey, so your Abz's new little friend."
"Yeah I guess I am."

I turn away and walk to Abz's closet beer in hand uninterested in trying to hold a conversation with this girl.
"So what are you wearing then?" I skim my hands through the clothing noting that it all looks very similar.
"Well I have three choices and I want your honest opinion okay?" I take a seat on what I presume to be is Abz's bed, with my beer in hand and agree.

Three beers later and seven outfit changes and Abz is finally keeping something on. In the end she's chosen to wear the black strapless dress which is adorned with metal studs and she does look hot but I can't help but wish she kept it on the first time she tried it.

As she straps up her heels, she presses her phone to her ear with her shoulder.
"Okay babe were ready can you come and get us now? I didn't take that long! Well I'll make it up to you now hurry!" She lets her phone slip down and goes to grab her purse.

Finally ready, We file out of the dorm room and head for the parking lot to wait for our ride. I can't help but worry that I might be seen by Sammie and all my lies will come to light.

I down the rest of the beer I bought along with me in an attempt to push away the thought and throw it into a nearby trash can. I'm relieved when I see a car pull up and the familiar face of the boy that gave us the shots.

I climb in next to Meghan and Abz takes her place at the front. Well this is fucking awkward.
"Liv this is Scott he will be our shoeffer this evening and our personal drink pourer!" She laughs aloud at her own joke and I join her.

"Fuck off!" Scott snaps.
"Oh you know I'm only joking baby you know I don't like to share." I turn away from the sudden display of affection and stare out the window into the night as we make our way back to the frat house.

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