chapter 39

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Jace takes hold of my hand and begins dragging me along the upper floor of the house faster than I thought possible. We reach the stairs and I dig my heels into the ground to stop him, if he carries on like this I'm going to end up falling to my death.

"What's wrong?" He turns around to look at me with annoyance.
"You, your going to make me fall! I don't know if you know this but I am very incredible drunk and you... you are expecting me to run down the stairs?"

"I didn't mean to I just wanted to get you out so you can get home quickly."
Jace moves to stand beside me and hooks an arm around my back, gripping hold my waist before continuing on at a much safer pace. I try not to take notice of the way his hand feels against my bare skin or the way gooseflesh rises over my body from his touch.

"You wanna know what I think?"
"I'm sure your going to tell me anyway." He mumbles concentrating on the steps that I take.
"I think you don't really care about getting me home quickly but really you just want to get me away from Charlie am I right or am I right?" His head jolts upwards and he gazes at my face in shock.
"Why would I be worried about you and Charlie?"

He tries to act indifferent but I can tell I'm right by the way his mouth pulls into a tight line and a small crease appears between his eyebrows at the thought. We safely reach the bottom of the stairs but Jace still continues to hold onto me as we approach the door.
"Well then if your not worried I'll just go and say goodbye to him." I try to pull away but his grip only tightens on me causing a smirk to works it's way onto my lips.
"See I think you just proves me right."

"Oh I proves you right did I? Come on." He drags me out of the door picking up the speed once again. I feel like a little ragdoll he's running around with, I can only picture what we look like to other people. The thought makes me giggle and Jace watches me curiously.
"What now?" He asks. He tries to keep his signature frown on his face but I can tell his suppressing a smile.
"Don't worry."

Jace pulls out his keys from his back pocket and opens the passenger side door for me before placing me gently inside.
He makes his way over to the driver's side before he joins me in the car.
"Should you be driving? You were drinking too." He shoves the key into the car and starts the ignition pulling away from the frat house with a screech.
"I didn't drink alot you were hogging the bottle if you remember."

The atmosphere in the car has suddenly shifted and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I bring my legs up onto the chair and lean my body against the door feeling suddenly tired and no longer wanting to speak, as we continue the awkward journey back.

"Liv, Liv wake up were here." I feel Jace's hand shake me awake but my eyes refuse to open.
"Mmm I'll just sleep here." Here feels good it feels warm and good.

"You can't do that do you want me to carry you?" I register what he asks and momentarily feel the urge to say yes but instead I reluctantly peel my eyes open.
"I'm good, I'm good I can get back from here." I try to pull myself out of the car but my legs seem to disapprove of the idea and instead I end up falling out and hitting the cold concrete floor hard.

"Shit Liv are you okay?!"
I'm glad I'm drunk as my body doesn't seem to register any pain. Giggles errupt from my mouth as I roll myself onto my back and stare up at Jace who seems to be hovering over me with concern.
"Fuck you've cut your knee." He bends down to inspect my wound but I can't seem to bring myself to care, It's not like I can feel it anyway.
"I am brilliant don't you worry." I reach out and tap him on the nose with my index finger which Jace seems to be shocked by and I can't help but giggle again at his expression.

"Well if this is you when your brilliant I'd like to see what your like when your not."
"Trust me it's not good to see." Jace seems to stare at me in thought before he takes my hands in his and pulls me upright. He wraps his arm back around me for support which I'm greatful for, I don't actually think I could make it back on my own.

"Can you take me back please I don't think I can get there." I shamefully admit.
"You know I will." I lean into Jace's side and I can't help but enjoy the feeling of his firm warm body against me. I try to redirect my thoughts as he continues to guide me through the twisting halls in silence.

Before I've even realised it we've reached my door and I begin the awful of task of trying to win the battle of getting my bag open yet again.

"Jesus Liv, here let me get them." He reaches into my bag pulling out my keys with ease and opens the door wide enough for us to walk through without having to let each other go.
I pull myself away from him and head straight for my bed, letting myself fall backwards untill I meet the soft mattress.

"Oh you don't know how fucking good this feels."
"Really? To me it looks like a small piece of shit bed, I'd much rather have mine." If my eyes were open I'd roll them at him.
"Why wouldn't you? Your bed is big and comfy I'm sure lots of girl enjoy being in there." I hear a loud sigh escape his mouth.
"No they wouldn't know." He simply replies which I find fucking hard to believe, he's told me himself that he's been with lots of girls before. I sit myself up wanting to be able to read his expression.

"That's bullshit are you telling me that you don't have sex now Jace?" He looks conflicted probably because he doesn't want to tell me the truth.
"No... I do, I just I...well I don't bring anyone back there." What?
"So what your saying is that you fuck lots of girls but none of them in your actually bed, you do it somewhere else?" He cringes with my choice of words but I'm trying to figure out what he's actually trying to tell me.

"Do you have to say it like that? And No I don't, I don't bring anyone back to my apartment."
"Someone must have stayed there before Jace."
"No. Well just" And just like that I shut my mouth. Surely he's lying about this I can't be the only girl he's bought home. I feel the sudden need to push for more information.

"Why what?" For some reason he looks nervous.
"Why don't you bring people back there?"
"Fuck Liv I just like my own space I don't want them in my home."
"Then why me?" I feel my chest tighten waiting for his response, he seems to be deciding how to answer the question and I'm not sure what sort of answer I want to hear.
"Because your not like other girls Olivia."

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