chapter 14

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Are you happy? Jace's words continue to echo through my mind. I didn't answer him, how could I? What do you say to that? Normal people would say yes, my inner voice mocks me. I should have done exactly that laughed and told him how stupid he sounds.

I suddenly miss Jace being the asshole that he is and not this boy who showed me kindness tonight and asks deep probing questions about happiness. Is he happy? I don't know him well enough to decide. His breathing has evened out, so I quietly turn over to study him hoping he's asleep.

He looks happy like this, so at peace the almost permanent frown he wears is lost on his sleeping face. His lips are parted with his deep breaths and his dark messy curls are falling onto his forehead.

I notice the blackened outline of a rose tattood onto his neck and I'm tempted to trace over it with my fingertips but I restrain myself from the urge.
I can't help it but Jace seems to remind me of my old boyfriend, Tyler.

They are nothing alike but then sometimes he seems so similar. The thought of his name sends a shiver down my spine and not in a good way. He took advantage of me at my lowest low and lead me by the hand on the road down to hell and I naively skipped along with a stupid grin on my face.

I leaned how to destroy myself from the devil himself and he was only to happy to show me how. Sitting upright I try to rid myself of my thoughts brushing my hair back with my fingers. I lean over to the alarm clock to check the time 2:12. I feel restless and I can't sleep, I don't seem to be able to escape my own mind.

I shuffle myself back down into the covers and roll back onto my side facing away from Jace. A groan escapes Jace's lips and my body stiffens worrying that I've woken him. Instead his arm encircles me, wrapping around my waist pulling me close against his warm firm body.

He shifts his face into the crook of my neck and I feel his warm breath tickling against my chest. My body instantly relaxes and melts into his, my earlier thoughts long forgotten and soon sleep takes over me.

I hear buzzing from somewhere around me trying to pull me from my sleep. I begin drifting back to my peaceful state and it begins again. I hear a groan and I can't quite place who the sound belongs to, but then the warmth surrounding my body disappears and I let out a moan in protest.

"Why the fuck do you keep calling me?" I recognize that voice...Jace?
"I don't know and I don't care! It's not my problem!" Memories of the night before fill my mind. The bar, the party, my missing purse, Jace, the drink ugh the drink. I dare not move in fear of awakening the torturous headache.

I feel the weight shift on the bed again but the warmth doesn't come.
"Liv are you awake?" He asks quietly beside my ear. I don't answer I feel immature pretending to be asleep but I'm not ready to face the day yet.
"Liv? Liv! Olivia!" Really? I groan in response.

"Come on you need to sort yourself out I've got things to do today besides chasing after your missing purse."
I wipe away the sleep from my eyes before I open them and gently lift my head resting backwards onto my elbows against the headboard.

When my eyes begin to focus I notice Jace sitting on the bed observing me.
"How do you feel?"
"Probably better then I deserve." He give me a half dimpled smile in return.

"Look you can take a shower if you want one it will probably help." I nod in agreement and instantly regret the movement, wincing.
"I'll make you some coffee and grab some pain killers." He chuckles noticing my reaction and jumps off the bed and exits the room.

I sit up hanging my legs off the side of the bed working up the courage to stand. Fuck, I shouldn't have drunk so much, the thought in itself makes me nauseous. Dragging my weary body up I quietly pad my way into the kitchen.

The delicious smell of coffee greets me along with the promised pain killers and a glass of water accompanying it on the granite countertop. I immediately pop the painkillers in my mouth and chase them down with the water and catch Jace watching me again as I go to pick up the mug of coffee.

"What?" He repeats me and I roll my eyes sitting myself on the black padded leather bar stool.
"Do you need to borrow some clothes?" Do I? The thought of my denim skirt and stained top enter my mind reminding me that I really do.
"If you don't mind.." he nods his head and stomps off to the bedroom.

He's all over the place this morning, one minute he's happy and laughing the next minute his pissed off and stroppy. I can't keep up with him, especially with a hangover. I sip at my coffee greatful for the warmth and life it provides me with and Jace reappears with some clothes and a towel in his arms.

He hands them over to me wordlessly and I quickly drain the rest of my coffee eager to escape to the bathroom. Once the door is locked I turn on the hot water and climb into the shower pulling the curtain around me.

The hot water feels like magic on my skin massaging away the tension and aching of my alchole abused muscles. The steam helps to clear my mind and I squirt some of the shower gel onto a cloth and work it into my skin leaving behind the vanilla and earthy scent that is Jace. I use his shampoo to clean my hair and instantly begin to feel a little better.

After I rinse off I step out toweling myself off and look through the clothes Jace donated to me. I screw up my nose pulling on a pair of black boxers and can't help but laugh when I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the mirror.

"Are you alright in there?" Choosing not to share the reason why I'm laughing, I continue rummaging through more of the clothes and realise I didn't bring my bra in with me, shit! I could go out there without one on in the shirt but the thought of Jace noticing makes me call out.

"Erm.. can you bring me my bra please?" Maybe this wasn't a good idea either but I've not exactly been filled with them lately.
"Your what?"
"My bra!"
"Oh e..erm yeah sure, wh..where is it?"

I hold my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing at the obvious embarassment he feels. He doesn't seem the type to be embarrassed by such things, I'm sure he's seen plenty.
"I think I put my stuff in a pile on the couch!"

A knock appears a few moments later and I wrap the towel over my boxer clad body and open the door. His piercing grey eyes travel slowly from my flushed face, down my body to my feet and up again. I feel butterflies forming in my stomach from his intense stare.

"Can I have it please." I ask.
"Have what?" He takes the time to look me over again.
"My bra?" He's eyes snap back to mine as he shakes his head, I obviously interruped his thoughts.
"Yeah here." He places the white lace in my hand and I quickly shut the door letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I finish dressing and glance in the mirror. Black tracksuit bottoms, black shirt and a matching hooded sweatshirt, it could be worse. I look through the cabinets and find a brush, and begin the task of combing out all the knots in my hair.

When I enter the lounge I find Jace reclined back comfortably on the black leather couch, looking almost identical to me. He looks so different in his own home I can't quite explain it. He turns to look at me and a large grin rests on his face dimples and all, obviously finding my look amusing.

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