chapter 13

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I was shocked when I came to the bar to pick up Charlie only to find him with fucking Liv. He told me he met some chick there but I couldn't hide my annoyance to see them hand in hand and her wearing his fucking jacket. She's still wearing it now cuddled into a ball in the passenger seat looking aimlessly out of the window into the night.

My mind keeps rolling through questions that I don't want to ask aloud. Why was she at that bar alone? Had she actually met someone there earlier? Why was she so fucking happy to be with Charlie? Would she of stayed with him given the choice?

I feel her staring at me again and when I look over to her she doesn't even pretend that she wasn't, she doesn't even seem embrarassed to have been caught out, she just holds my gaze unmoving. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I turn my face back to the road focusing on getting her back to Jimmy's bar and out of my head.

I don't like that this girl keeps entering my thoughts uninvited. I had plans tonight I was supposed to meet up with a girl at the party with a promise of a good time.

Not following around Liv, whispering in her ear whenever Charlie wasn't looking but the way her body instantly reacted to me without so much of a touch is such a fucking turn on.

I pull over to the parking lot and notice that the bars closed, of course it fucking is! I look over at Liv to check her reaction. Her brown eyes are wide with panick, pulling her small hands nervously through her hair. She flings open the door jumping out and throwing her arms up.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She shouts out into the night. She begins pounding on the door with balled up fists.
"Open up! come on I need my purse! Hello! I know someone's in there!"

She continues her pounding but even louder than before and starts kicking out at it. I jump out to stop her before the cops get called and cart this crazy woman off!
"Liv stop! There's no one there, come on lets get back in the car." She searches my face in thought.

"And do what Jace? I've got nowhere to fucking go! Every fucking time I don't hesitate to fuck things up more! I literally! I just.. I cant help myself!" I have a feeling she's talking about more than leaving her purse at the bar but now's not the best time to press it.

"Come on." I gently wrap my hand around her arm lightly pulling her back to the direction of the car, shutting the passenger door behind her after she climbs in. When I join her inside I'm shocked to see tears have escaped her eyes and are falling down her cheeks.

She doesn't even make a noise, only silently sits there letting the tears fall free. An unknown heaviness weighs down on my chest and before I can stop myself the words come pouring out of my mouth.

"You can stay at my place tonight." Shit. she stares back at me through her glossy, tear filled eyes obviously as shocked as I am.
"What? Won't your roommate mind?"
"I don't live at the dorms I have an apartment just round the corner."

I've never bought anyone back there before not even my friends and the thought makes me feel uneasy.
"Oh are you sure? I'll leave first thing in the morning." Somehow after witnessing the amount she had to drink and that was after the bar, I can't see her moving anywhere but I just nod that it's fine.

We reach the stairs to my building and my anxiety seems to grow with every step I take. I don't want her here but I also can't bring myself to leave her. I unlock the door and hold it open for her to walk through and her mouth falls open in awe I think?

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