chapter 11

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Okay I'm drunk, very, very drunk. My body feels completely numb as planned and I'm gripping onto the conunter harder then needed but I feel like I'm going tip off of the edge of the world right now. Most importantly I feel happy thanks to the beer singing in my veins.

I no longer care about my Mothers rejection or my embarassing mistake with Jace, which I've repeatedly promised my new barlady friend Linda that I wont be making again.

I like Linda she's in her early forties I'd say and she dresses like a teenager wearing a mini skirt and strappy tank top. She wears far to much makeup for her aging skin which clashes terribly with her pink rinsed out bob but shes very nice and likes to listen to me.

Well I think she does or maybe shes too kind like Sammie and just wont tell me to fuck off, either way I'm greatful. All of my problems seem to have disappeared with every beer I drink. I know they'll return with a vengence along with a hangover tomorrow but right now I just want to have fun.

"Have the boys come in tonight?" I hear a voice ask my new friend Linda.
"Not tonight I'm afraid hun but then again it's Friday right? Don't you kids always party at the weekends?" Linda laughs and I laugh too.

I dont actually know why I'm laughing but it feels good to do it anyway.
"I know you don't I?" The voice asks and I look to Linda.

"He's asking you sweetie." She informs me, pointing towards the person who spoke. I carefully turn my body in the pointed direction and I'm met with short blonde hair, a brilliant smile and blurry green eyes.
"No you don't." I answer because I'm sure I dont, he's cute but I can't remember seeing him before.

"Well we haven't spoken before but I was there when you took on my friend Jace." He begins to laugh at the memory and I join in.
"yeah that was fun."
"So What are you doing tonight then?" The blurry green eyed boy questions.

What am I doing tonight? I hadn't planned anything apart from coming to this bar. I'll have to get an Uber back and leave my car. What will Sammie think when she seems me? How will I get my car back? Obviously noticing my inner turmoil through my silence, his voice breaks through my jumbled thoughts.

"Why don't you come to the party tonight? Everybody will be there and I can get someone to get you back when you need to." He's very sweet. He pulls out his phone and begins tapping his thumbs across the screen.
"Erm okay then!" I jump off of my barstool ready to go, excited at the thought of going to my first college party. I turn around and give Linda a bright smile and a wave.

"You look after her Charlie do you hear me?" Oh so that's his name? I probably should of asked him that before I agreed to go off with him. I take another look at his face and notice he's staring at me too, with a smile playing on his lips.
"Don't worry I'll make sure she's safe." With that I grab my purse and we turn to leave.

I hold onto Charlie's arm for support as he leads me outside into the fresh air and I notice for the first time it has gotten dark outside.
"So where's the party?"
"It's back at the frat house just by the campus. My boy will be here in a minute and he'll give us a ride." I nod and shiver, now the sun has disappeared the cool night air has made me regret not bringing a jacket with me.

Noticing that, Charlie slips off his jersey and hangs it over my shoulders. I smile up at him he really is sweet.
Lights of a car pull into the small parking lot and a horn beeps out to us indicating for us to get inside. Charlie shocks me by taking my hand in his and begins leading me towards the car.

He opens the door for me and I climb inside scooting across the seat so he can join me. I'm greatful that the heat is on and warming up my shivering body. I look up to greet the driver but my voice catches in my throat when I recognize that it's Jace.

"Oh I probably should have mentioned our ride is Jace, that's okay isn't it? You still want to come?" I'm sure if looks could kill I'd be layed out on the back seat of this damned car.

Jace's eyes are glaring at me through his rear view mirror, I tear my eyes away focusing on Charlie's kind ones.
"Don't worry it's fine of course I'm still going to come." A smile appears on his handsome face and all traces of the previous worry are extinguished by my words.

The engine purrs to life pulling us away from the bar and onto the road.
"So what was you doing drinking at Jimmy's on your own anyway?" I feel a pair of grey eyes staring at me once again but I refuse to look.
"Erm I dunno really it wasn't intentional, I met up with a friend for a few but then they left and I still fancied a beer I spose." Lie! My inner voice shouts.

Well I couldn't really answer with the truth could I? Oh you know I'd made out with your angry friend in the front there, my mum practically fucking disowned me and I was heading for a mental breakdown on my dorm room floor, whiskey bottle in hand. Somehow I don't think he would appreciate hearing that.

"Well I'm glad you did otherwise I wouldn't have met you." I hear a snort of laughter from Jace but choose to ignore it. He turns the radio up louder haulting any conversation which I'm pretty sure is his purpose.

We pull up onto a street, the lawn is crowded with party goers and littered with red cups. I stare up at the large house it's three storeys high and a hand painted banner spells out Kappa Sigma. I try to imagine how many people live here and how often they all party. I'd hate to have to clean up all this mess each time.

"Sometime tonight." Jace's voice penetrates my thoughts bringing me back to the car. I stare at him working out if he's still angry with me, his face holds no emotion. I reach for the handle to escape the car but the door has already been opened for me. Charlie awkwardly holds his hand out for me to take a hold of.

Hesitating, I put my small hand in his and he helps to pull me out of the car. Intwinning his fingers with mine, he leads me through the crowded lawn and into the frat house. As soon as we enter he releases me to retrieve three red cups from the small table beside the door, handing one to myself and Jace.

I smell the liquid to check what it is, confirming it's beer I bring the plastic to my lips and chug it down, trying to rid myself of the nervous energy that has suddenly appeared in my stomach.

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